Cooperating Teachers
In order to become a cooperating teacher, [Idaho School Code mandates] that cooperating teachers:
- Certified to teach in the content area in which intern will be placed
- Three years of full-time successful teaching experience
- Recommendation of principal
- Strong mentoring skills; desire to mentor an emerging professional
- Interested in partnering with ISU in the preparation of a future professional educator
Cooperating teachers serve as mentors for both the clinical experiences and student teaching internship.
Cooperating teacher responsibilities when hosting an Idaho State student teacher:
- Work closely with student-teacher when planning their initial lessons
- Co-plan and co-teach
- Assist, mentor, observe
- Complete 5 Framework for Teaching observations
- Provide opportunities for a minimum of 4 weeks of solo teaching
- Coordinate with the University Supervisor to complete the Idaho Professional Learning Plan (IPLP) and Common Summative Assessment (CSA)

Mona Heern, MEd
Field Experience Coordinator
Office: College of Education, Kent Center 203
Ask me about: Student teaching placements, cooperating teachers