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Accepting Grit Scholar Applications

Applications to become a Grit Scholar are now being accepted.

Early Assurance Program for Physician Assistant Studies

In 2020, the Physician Assistant Program received a federal grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to increase the recruitment of PA students who intend to work and live in rural areas after PA school. The Early Assurance Program was created for ISU undergraduate students during their junior and senior years to prepare them for admittance to the ISU Physician Assistant Program. Post-baccalaureate students from ISU are also welcome to apply. Each recipient will receive academic guidance and professional mentorship from faculty and alumni. Recipients are also offered a seat in the PA program upon successful completion of the EAP award requirements.

The five-year grant, titled: Increasing the Grit and Effectiveness of Rural Physician Assistants, is under the direction of Paula Phelps, MHE, PA-C, professor and associate program director. If you would like more information, please contact Valentín García at valentingarcia@isu.edu or review the commonly asked questions below. 

The Early Assurance Program allows undergraduate juniors and seniors at Idaho State University to apply for early acceptance into the physician assistant program upon matriculation. Post-baccalaureate students from ISU are also welcome to apply. Students accepted into this program will receive a provisional offer of admission to the ISU Physician Assistant Studies program under the Early Assurance Program. Formal acceptance to the ISU Physician Assistant Program is contingent upon completion of the post-acceptance requirements.

Required qualifications include:

  • Idaho State University undergraduate students who have completed a minimum of 24 credits at ISU and will be a junior or senior in any degree-granting program at ISU. Post-baccalaureate students from ISU are also eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must be on track towards completing prerequisite coursework as defined in the ISU Academic Catalog for admittance in the physician assistant program. For questions, please contact Valentín García at garcvale@isu.edu.
  • Applicants should declare a minor in Pre-Physician Assistant.  Contact Valentín García at valentingarcia@isu.edu for assistance.
  • Students with a cumulative minimum grade point average of 2.5 and grades of B or better in any pre-PA coursework taken prior to EAP application. Prerequisite retakes are allowed.

Students who meet the following criteria are ideal candidates for this award:

  1. Applicants who: (a) are first generation college students, (b) are active duty or veterans of the United States Armed Services, (c) applicants who attended a rural high school as defined by the National Center for Education Statistics, (d) are employed or have family members who are employed in the agricultural industry, especially seasonal or migrant workers, (e) represent underrepresented populations in the Physician Assistant Profession as defined by the Health Resources and Services Administration.
  2. Applicants who possess the requisite competencies to serve people who experience significant health disparities[1], including:
    • Language fluency to provide medical services in languages other than English (e.g., Spanish, Shoshone, Nez Perce). Ideal proficiency would be at an intermediate level or above. Intermediate speakers can narrate and describe in the present, past, and future. Intermediate speakers can also produce paragraph length discourse.
    • Deep experiential understanding of cultural morays (e.g., biculturalism or multiculturalism) of a specific group that experiences health disparities.
    • Demonstrated self-awareness about self as a cultural being and how the applicant’s cultural beliefs, values, and practices may impact medical services provision.
    • Demonstrated understanding of health beliefs and health practices of a specific group that experiences health disparities.
    • Demonstrated skills in navigating interpersonal exchanges with that specific group.
  3. Applicants who demonstrate intent to work as primary health providers in a rural or health disparity community upon completion of the Physician Assistant Studies program.
  4. Applicants who demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship.
  5. Applicants with relevant school activities, community service, and work experiences that prepare them provide medical services to rural and/or health disparity populations.

[1] People who experience significant health disparities are Black Americans, Native Americans / American Indians, Latinx/Hispanics, migrant workers, refugees and also people who are rural, low-income, homeless, non-US citizens, experience a disability, or are members of a sexual minority group (LGB, T).

Applications for the Early Assurance Program will be accepted through the Grit Scholars application.  For more questions, please contact the academic advisor listed below.

1. Apply here: Grit Scholars Application

2. Submit contact and demographic information.

3. Submit college information.

4. Submit high school information.

5. Submit financial need information.

6. Submit a 3-minute (or shorter) video addressing the following:

  • Grit/Perseverance: Tell us about a time in which you persevered and what kept you going. What happened? How did you show perseverance? And, what was the result of your perseverance?
  • Social justice: How do you define social justice? Tell us about an action that you took to advance social justice that you are proud of.

7. Demonstrate proficiency in speaking a language other than English.

  • Submit a 3-5 minute video in the language of choice (notEnglish):
    • Tell us where you grew up, who was in your family, and what some typical activities were in your day. Feel free to provide detail on some specific memories (e.g., a memorable celebration, a funny story, a special family relationship that shaped you).


  • If the applicant has an ACTFL OPI rating, they may submit that in lieu of the video.

8. Submit a brief essay in English (500 words maximum) addressing the following: How would you describe your cultural background? How does your cultural background inform your world views? How does your cultural background inform your health beliefs, and health practices?

9. Submit one or two letters of reference. Strong letters will address at least two of the following:

  • Your dedication to your community
  • Your persevering character
  • Your intent on becoming a primary health care provider in a rural or health disparities
  • Your commitment to work with populations that experience health disparities

Letter(s) of reference cannot be from a family member or member of the clergy.

10. Submit a copy of your resume or curriculum vitae.

11. Submit a copy of your college transcripts.

After reviewing all applications, applicants will be ranked using information provided. Top ranked applicants will be invited to interview with the scholarship selection committee prior to final decision.

Following acceptance into the Early Assurance Program, the recipient must complete the following to maintain a provisional offer for admission to the ISU Physician Assistant Studies program:

  • Declare a minor in Pre-Physician Assistant
  • Obtain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 per semester
  • Receive a B or better in allpre-PAcoursework
    • Recipient should be on track to have a cumulative prerequisite course GPA of 3.5 by time of application to PA school
    • Students are allowed to retake prerequisites but must maintain a 3.0 GPA or better each semester
    • If recipient does not earn a B or better in prerequisite courses, they will be assessed by the selection committee for continuation in the Early Assurance Program
  • Enroll in a one credit pre-PA undergraduate course each semester
  • Complete at least one clinical shadowing internship per year
  • Participate in mentorship program
  • Meet the requirements for acceptance into the PA program as defined in the ISU Academic Catalog
  • Complete the following by November 1:
    • Take the GRE general test by November 1
    • Submit your CASPA application for the ISU Physician Assistant Studies program through CASPA by November 1
    • Submit your ISU Graduate School application by November 1
  • Complete application and admission process with the department of Physician Assistant Studies and ISU Graduate School

The following are the general admission requirements for PA Program.

For those accepted as Grit Scholars in to the Early Assurance Program, Scholars must maintain a prerequisite GPA of a 3.5 or higher. 

Admission Requirements

The ISU PA Program does not award or grant advanced placement. The Physician Assistant curriculum is a progressive immersion experience and each class of students is expected to move through the curriculum as a cohort.

1. Baccalaureate Degree

A Baccalaureate degree needs to be completed by June 30th of the year you plan to enter the PA Studies program. It must be from a regionally accredited U.S. institute of higher learning.

2. Prerequisite Courses

Required courses must also be completed at a regionally accredited U.S. institute of higher learning. The required prerequisite courses are:

  • Microbiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Human Anatomy (as a single course or as part of a two semester combined anatomy and physiology course)
  • Human Physiology (as a single course or as part of a two semester combined anatomy and physiology course)
  • Statistics
  • Abnormal Psychology (or Developmental Psychology throughout the Lifespan)

General PA applicants must have a minimum cumulative prerequisite grade point average of 3.0 as well as a minimum grade of C in all prerequisite courses (listed above).  However, Grit Scholars must have a minimum cumulative prerequisite grade point average of 3.5 as well as a minimum grade of B in all prerequisite courses (listed above). Course work ten years or older is not accepted as prerequisite coursework. All prerequisites must be completed and posted to official transcripts by June 30th of the year you plan to enter the program.

First-time applicants to the program may have two prerequisite courses in progress during spring of the year they plan to enter the program.

Re-applicants must have ALL prerequisites completed and have NO prerequisites in-progress at the time of re-application.

If you are concerned about a course meeting our prerequisites, please check our FAQs.

List of Idaho State University courses that meet the prerequisite requirements

List of College of Idaho courses that meet the prerequisite requirements

Regarding Pass/Fail Courses During COVID-19

Idaho State University's Physician Assistant Studies Program has instituted an exception in regards to non-letter grades awarded to prerequisite coursework during Winter, Spring, or Summer 2020 semesters. Due to many institutions offering P/F or S/U grades during the COVID-19 pandemic, applicants displaying a P/F or S/U grade on prerequisite coursework taken during affected semesters will be reviewed in the following ways:

Up to one P/F or S/U grade awarded during affected semesters will be forgiven, with credit given toward prerequisite progression but no grade utilized in the applicant's prerequisite GPA calculation. Additional P/F or S/U grades awarded during affected semesters will either be substituted with the applicant's science GPA or a course grade of B in calculations, with consideration for which provides the best file score for the applicant.

Highly Recommended Courses:

(Please note: This list is not meant to be all-encompassing and includes suggestions only. Check the undergraduate catalog for course availability.)

  • Upper level biology courses such as:
    • Advanced Anatomy (BIOL 4420 Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy, BIOL 4470 Cross-Sectional Anatomy)
    • Advanced Human Physiology (BIOL 3304 Comparative Functional Morphology and Physiology, BIOL 4449 - Human Physiology I, BIOL 4456 Human Physiology II, BIOL 4464 Lectures in Human Physiology, BIOL 4486 Human Systemic Physiology
    • Immunology (BIOL 4451 Immunology, BIOL 4454 Advanced Immunology)
    • Genetics (BIOL 3358 Genetics, BIOL 4461 Advanced Genetics)
    • Endocrinology (BIOL 4443 Endocrinology)
  • Other health-related courses from departments such as Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Health Education, and Gender Studies.
  • Proficiency in a foreign language, especially Spanish

3. Central Application Service for Physician Assistants

As part of the CASPA application process you will be required to submit:

  • three letters of recommendation,
  • official transcripts from all institutions attended,
  • a personal statement,
  • academic history,
  • and your work/shadow/volunteer experience.

The CASPA application must be submitted by November 1st.

4. Graduate Record Exam (GRE)

The GRE is an important admission requirement as the scores are used for ranking applicants. Please go to ETS website for information about testing locations and scheduling the exam.

The GRE General Test must be taken by November 1. The ISU GRE School Code is 4355 and the Department Code is 0634.

5. ISU Graduate School Application

The ISU Graduate School application (also called the "Supplemental Application") is required for admission to the PA program. When applying to the Graduate School, select the Fall semester. Please refer to the ISU Graduate School for information regarding the application, requirements, and fees. Admission requirements for international applicants may be found in the Graduate Catalog.

The Graduate School application requires uploading transcripts. Follow the instructions given within the application in regards to what kind of transcripts and how to upload them.

At the time of application, transcripts submitted through the Graduate School application may be unofficial, however certain features must be present for them to be accepted, including: The student's name, the institution's wordmark or logo in the header, courses, credits, terms, grades, and the date(s) of any awarded degrees.

Students will be required to send the Graduate School a set of official transcripts from all institutions attended only after the student has been accepted to the program.

The Graduate School application deadline is November 1.

6. Technical Standards & Immunizations

All entering students must meet the required list of standards and must have the required immunizations as stated on the Immunizations Form. This includes timely documentation of compliance and submission of required paperwork. All immunizations are required by June 30th of the year a student enters the Program.

If immunization requirements are not met by the June 30th date, a student will not be permitted to participate in required didactic year clinical experiences or service learning activities, registration may be held, and in severe cases an offer may be rescinded. Exceptions must be requested in writing by email no later than June 30th, and must include planned dates for completion of any outstanding immunizations.

Dropboxes for submitting documentation are given if an applicant is invited for an interview.

Additional Considerations:

  • Maturity
  • Work and health care experience are preferred but not required
  • Evidence of the ability to achieve academic success in a rigorous academic program
  • Interpersonal skills and the ability to relate effectively with patients, peers and at a professional level
  • Evidence of a desire to practice primary care in Idaho, particularly among the medically underserved

Background information such as:

  • matriculation or attendance in any PA education program;
  • discipline for academic performance or conduct violations (e.g. academic probation, dismissal, suspension, disqualification, etc.) by any college or school;
  • conviction of a misdemeanor;
  • conviction of a felony;
  • any certification, registration, license or clinical privileges revoked, suspended or in any way restricted by an institution, state or locality

Process for reviewing applications received by ISU's PA Program

I. Receive Graduate School application from Graduate School:

  • Check for GRE scores.
  • Check for copies of transcripts.
  • Email applicant regarding receipt of Graduate School application and notify applicant if any transcripts and/or GRE scores are missing. Notify applicant that a CASPA application is needed.
  • If GRE scores do not meet Graduate School requirements, a rejection letter will be mailed to the applicant.

II. Receive CASPA application:

  • Check for letters of recommendation (must have three).
  • Check completion date of bachelor's degree (must be no later than June 30 of year applying for admission).
  • Check for prerequisites and if four of six courses are completed, calculate prerequisite GPA. Quarter credits are converted to semester credit equivalents. A quarter credit equals two-thirds of a semester credit.
  • Email applicant regarding receipt of CASPA application and notify applicant if any letters of recommendation and/or prerequisite courses are missing. Notify applicant that a Graduate School application, official transcripts and GRE scores are needed.
  • If the applicant's prerequisites do not meet the program's requirements, a rejection letter will be mailed to the applicant.

III. Upon receipt of both applications, a file score is calculated.

Due to the large number of applications and the need to effectively use time and faculty resources, the program uses the file score to determine whether or not to send an application for review to determine whether or not to call the applicant for an interview.

Please see the File Score page for an in-depth explanation of how the file score is calculated and what items on an application can receive points.

The level of the minimum file score for which a file will be reviewed will be evaluated each admissions cycle. Statistics for the top applicants offered seats may be found on the Admission Statistics page.

IV. If the file score is less than the minimum required for review:

The application is placed On Hold until a determination is made as to whether or not more applications need to be reviewed so that more applicants can be interviewed. If no additional interviews are needed, a rejection letter will be mailed to this group of applicants.

 Process IV does not apply to those who have been accepted as a Grit Scholar in the Early Assurance Program.

V. If the file score is equal to or greater than the minimum required for review:

The application is reviewed by two members of the Admissions Committee to determine whether or not to call the applicant for an interview.

  • If the reviewers determine the applicant should be called for an interview, an email is sent to the applicant inviting the applicant to interview with the program. Interviews begin the first or second week of November and continue through the end of February.
  • If the reviewers determine the applicant should not be called, a rejection letter is mailed to the applicant.
  • If the reviewers do not agree about calling an applicant, a "tie-break" is conducted by a third reviewer. If the third reviewer determines the applicant should be interviewed, an email is sent to the applicant inviting the applicant to interview with the program. If a determination not to call the applicant is made by the third reviewer, a rejection letter is mailed to the applicant.
  • At this time all portions of an application are reviewed. This includes all iterations of GPA, academic history, work/shadowing/volunteer experience, personal statement and letters of recommendation.

Process V does not apply to those who have been accepted as a Grit Scholar in the Early Assurance Program.

VI. Interview Process:

  • At the time of interview all applicants are asked to fill out a mission survey. The survey has questions related to whether or not an applicant was raised in a family with low income (2 points); attended a high school that had a high percent of federally subsidized lunch students (1 point); attended a high school with a low graduation rate (1 point); did or does live in a medically underserved (MUA/P) or health profession shortage area (HPSA) (2 points); comes from a family that received public assistance (1 point); earned an AHS diploma or GED (1 point); is a first-generation college student (1 point); grew up in a rural area (1 point); has a diagnosed physical or mental impairment that substantially limits their participation in educational experiences offered by the University (1 point); does not speak English as their primary language (1 point); lived or lives in Idaho or attended an Idaho school (2 points); or is a veteran (2 points). Applicants will receive one point in their total applicant ranking if they meet the criteria for 2 or more points on the survey.
  • Applicants are asked for their campus preference at the time of interview.   Offers are made based on that preference.  If a preferred site is full, an offer will be made for the open campus.
  • The interview format consists of three fifteen minute one-on-one mini-interviews, a visit with current students, observation of a portion of a lecture, a meeting with the program staff, and observation of a portion of a lecture. The lecture schedule is subject to change. If this occurs, the session will include viewing a video and PowerPoint about the program, and viewing a short video about Idaho State University. Six applicants are scheduled for each session. The total interview format will take approximately 2 1/2 hours.
  • Applicants may select to have a phone or in-person interview. Although one type of interview does not carry more or less weight than the other, it is recommended that if at all possible, applicants plan to attend the interview in person.
  • In most cases, applicants may choose to have the interview in Caldwell, Pocatello or Meridian.

VII. Following the interview, applicants are given a ranking.

Based on this ranking applicants will be assigned one of the following statuses within the week following the interview:

  • Offer = Applicant is offered a seat.
    • A letter of offer is mailed
    • Applicant must postmark an acceptance letter and pay a seat deposit no later than two weeks from the date of the offer letter.
  • In Review = The applicant's file is held and at the end of the interview process will be ranked with the applicants that have been interviewed but not offered an early seat.
    • This should be no later than the first week of March.
    • In Review applicants will be:
      • Offered a seat, OR
      • Placed on an alternate list, OR
      • Rejected and no longer considered for the admissions cycle.

An interview with Paula Phelps, PA-C

How long have you been a Physician Assistant?

I have been a physician assistant for 25 years and I have always loved my job and the opportunities it has given me. Did you know that it is usually ranked as one of the top three jobs in America? money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/rankings

Why do you like being a PA?

It is fulfilling! I get to take care of patients, use my intellect, all while doing something I value and making a living wage!

How much money do PA’s typically earn per year?

New graduates of Idaho State University’s PA program make an average of $95,000/year. PA’s in Idaho make an average salary of $110,000 to $116,000 and nationally, PA’s earn an average of $112,000 annually.(www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291071.htm)

What is your scope of practice?

I diagnose and treat patients, illnesses and diseases and counsel them on their path to wellness. www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/physician-assistants.htm#tab-2

  1. See patients:
    • Take or review patients’ medical histories
    • Examine patients
    • Order and interpret diagnostic tests, such as x rays or blood tests
    • Diagnose a patient’s injury or illness
    • Give treatment, such as setting broken bones and immunizing patients
    • Educate and counsel patients and their families—for example, answering questions about how to care for a child with asthma
    • Prescribe medicine
    • Assess and record a patient’s progress
    • Research the latest treatments to ensure the quality of patient care
    • Conduct or participate in outreach programs; talking to groups about managing diseases and promoting wellness
  2. PAs can work in the following settings: outpatient, inpatient, surgical, research, primary care, specialty care
  3. PAs are dependent practitioners, but have a high level of autonomy

What is the educational process?

Most PA programs are masters level and highly competitive. For the Fall 2020, ISU had 762 applications for 72 seats. The length of programs vary from 24-36 months, ISU is 24 months. To be accepted, students must meet the ISU prerequisite requirements:

Have a bachelor’s degree

Complete 6 prerequisite courses: Anatomy, Physiology, Statistics, Abnormal or Developmental Psychology, Microbiology, Biochemistry

Take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE)

Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in all prerequisite courses, but the average for the entering class Fall 2020 was 3.86

Receive a competitive file score (Prerequisite GPA + (Quantitative GRE Percentile/100) + (Verbal GRE Percentile/100), for the Class of 2019 it had to be higher than 4.96 to even be considered for an interview.

Candidates should visit the admissions page for the most current statistics: edu/pa

PA education is Typically divided in two parts, Didactic and Clinical phase

ISU’s program is 24 consecutive months long, one year for each phase of training. The first year, students will take basic science courses and intro PA classes during the Fall semester. During the Spring semester and Summer students participate in the clinical medicine modules. The second year consists of 3 semesters of 5 week clinical rotations, graduate project and a series of board prep tests. Required rotations include: obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, OP, internal medicine, psychiatry, general surgery, emergency medicine, and an elective.

PA program updates.

Starting April 2021, ISU will be moving to a Holistic Admissions process, de-emphasizing the GRE.

New Pre-PA minor for undergraduates at ISU starting the Fall of 2021.

Undergraduate students who are intersted can apply for early decision at end of their sophomore year in college. If selected, the student will receive early admission into the program.

What happens after graduation? 

Program graduates will need to complete the following:

  1. National Board Exam, NCCPA (national commission on certification of PAs) www.nccpa.net/BecomingCertified
  2. Maintain certification with 100 hours of CME/2 years and recertification exam every 10 years. Primary care and some specialty exams may be required.
  3. Licensure is by each state.
  4. Credentialing is the process of verifying a PA’s credentials and is done by each clinic or hospital group.

For more information, please contact:

Valentín García

Grant Project Coordinator

(208) 282-2637



Kallee Valentine

Admissions Director

(208) 282-5473


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $1,420,485 with 0 percent financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit HRSA.gov.


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