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Process for reviewing applications received by ISU's PA Program

I. Receive Graduate School application from Graduate School:

  • Check for GRE scores.
  • Check for copies of transcripts.
  • Email applicant regarding receipt of Graduate School application and notify applicant if any transcripts and/or GRE scores are missing. Notify applicant that a CASPA application is needed.
  • If GRE scores do not meet Graduate School requirements, a rejection letter will be mailed to the applicant.


II. Receive CASPA application:

  • Check for letters of recommendation (must have three).
  • Check completion date of bachelor's degree (must be no later than June 30 of year applying for admission).
  • Check for prerequisites and if four of six courses are completed, calculate prerequisite GPA. Quarter credits are converted to semester credit equivalents. A quarter credit equals two-thirds of a semester credit.
  • Email applicant regarding receipt of CASPA application and notify applicant if any letters of recommendation and/or prerequisite courses are missing. Notify applicant that a Graduate School application, official transcripts and GRE scores are needed.
  • If the applicant's prerequisites do not meet the program's requirements, a rejection letter will be mailed to the applicant.


III. Upon receipt of both applications, a file score is calculated.

Due to the large number of applications and the need to effectively use time and faculty resources, the program uses the file score to determine whether or not to send an application for review to determine whether or not to call the applicant for an interview.

Please see the File Score page for an in-depth explanation of how the file score is calculated and what items on an application can receive points.

The level of the minimum file score for which a file will be reviewed will be evaluated each admissions cycle. Statistics for the top applicants offered seats may be found on the Admission Statistics page.


IV. If the file score is less than the minimum required for review:

The application is placed On Hold until a determination is made as to whether or not more applications need to be reviewed so that more applicants can be interviewed. If no additional interviews are needed, a rejection letter will be mailed to this group of applicants.


V. If the file score is equal to or greater than the minimum required for review:

The application is reviewed by members of the Admissions Committee to determine whether or not to call the applicant for an interview.

  • If the reviewers determine the applicant should be called for an interview, an email is sent to the applicant inviting the applicant to interview with the program. Interviews begin the first or second week of November and continue through the end of February.
  • If the reviewers determine the applicant should not be called, a rejection letter is mailed to the applicant.
  • If two reviewers do not agree about calling an applicant, a "tie-break" is conducted by a third reviewer. If the third reviewer determines the applicant should be interviewed, an email is sent to the applicant inviting the applicant to interview with the program. If a determination not to call the applicant is made by the third reviewer, a rejection letter is mailed to the applicant.
  • At this time all portions of an application are reviewed. This includes all iterations of GPA, academic history, work/shadowing/volunteer experience, personal statement and letters of recommendation.


VI. Interview Process:

  • At the time of interview all applicants are asked to complete a mission survey. The survey has questions related to whether or not an applicant was raised in a family with low income (2 points); attended a high school that had a high percent of federally subsidized lunch students (1 point); attended a high school with a low graduation rate (1 point); did or does live in a medically underserved (MUA/P) or health profession shortage area (HPSA) (2 points); comes from a family that received public assistance (1 point); earned an AHS diploma or GED (1 point); is a first-generation college student (1 point); grew up in a rural area (1 point); has a diagnosed physical or mental impairment that substantially limits their participation in educational experiences offered by the University (1 point); does not speak English as their primary language (1 point); lived or lives in Idaho or attended an Idaho school (2 points); or is a veteran (2 points). Applicants will receive one point in their total applicant ranking if they meet the criteria for 2 or more points on the survey.
  • Applicants are asked for their campus preference at the time of interview. Offers are made based on that preference.  If a preferred site is full, an offer will be made for the open campus.
  • The interview format consists of three fifteen minute one-on-one mini-interviews, a visit with current students, observation of a portion of a lecture, a meeting with the program staff, and observation of a portion of a lecture. The lecture schedule is subject to change. If this occurs, the session will include viewing a video and PowerPoint about the program, and viewing a short video about Idaho State University. Six applicants are scheduled for each session. The total interview format will take approximately 2 1/2 hours.
  • Applicants may select to have a phone or in-person interview. Although one type of interview does not carry more or less weight than the other, it is recommended that if at all possible, applicants plan to attend the interview in person.
  • In most cases, applicants may choose to have the interview in Caldwell, Pocatello or Meridian.


VII. Following the interview, applicants are given a ranking.

Based on this ranking applicants will be assigned one of the following statuses within the week following the interview:

  • Offer = Applicant is offered a seat.
    • A letter of offer is mailed
    • Applicant must postmark an acceptance letter and pay a seat deposit no later than two weeks from the date of the offer letter.
  • In Review = The applicant's file is held and at the end of the interview process will be ranked with the applicants that have been interviewed but not offered an early seat.
    • This should be no later than the first week of March.
    • In Review applicants will be:
      • Offered a seat, OR
      • Placed on an alternate list, OR
      • Rejected and no longer considered for the admissions cycle.


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