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A group of staff members listening to the speaker at a meeting.

Faculty & Staff

The Dean of Students Office works to support students through the many opportunities and challenges that present themselves during the course of their academic careers. Our goal is to partner with faculty and staff in achieving this. Currently, all university members are finding themselves navigating complex situations in what feels like a new era in higher education. By working together, we can connect students to appropriate resources in a timely fashion and enhance our individual and collective toolkits. Together, we can help ISU students achieve all to which they aspire during their time at Idaho State University.

The resources here represent the most common questions and concerns that faculty and staff have shared with our office. We are always looking to improve and add to our offerings and hope you will contact our office with any questions or ideas you might have for us.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a core value of our university experience. The high quality academic performance of students at Idaho State University is essential to our reputation, to the value of our programs, and to the demonstrated work and knowledge base that our degrees represent. As such, incidents of academic dishonesty are considered a serious offense and handled with urgency. Detailed information about academic dishonesty can be found in the following resources.

Student Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct provides expectations for student behavior to help build the best possible learning and living environment for all members of the community.


Three students walking in front of a stairway with the ISU Bengal Logo behind

Faculty & Staff Support Resources

Increasingly, we see and hear from faculty and staff that they are being confronted with situations which they feel unprepared to handle. Uncomfortable conversations about behavior, academic expectations, personal situations that impact how students show up in the classroom or workplace, and everything in between have become the norm in our day-to-day interactions. The Dean of Students Office supports and affirms instructors’ authority and responsibility to create and maintain a learning environment that is conducive to all within Idaho State University’s policies. We offer the resources on this page to help faculty and staff navigate these murky waters, but we are also prepared to serve as thought-partners any time faculty and staff want to reach out. We’ve also included links to syllabus and classroom management resources from other institutions in addition to ISU specific information. You may also want to review the information on the Academic Affairs webpage.

Report a Concern

Staff and faculty may run into some situations in which basic classroom management techniques and kind, proactive communication with students are not enough. If you believe a student to be in distress or in outright crisis, please visit our Report A Concern page for more information about how to handle these situations, determine whether the campus CARE Team should be involved, submit a Report of Concern, and more.


Request a Presentation

The Dean of Students Office makes several helpful presentations available to our campus community. If you are looking for additional tools for your toolkit, please consider signing up for one of the following presentations.

  • Talk Saves Lives (TSL) — Suicide Prevention Training

  • Dean of Students (DOS) 101 — Learn about the resources and services our office provides.

  • Challenging SItuations in Changing Times — Discuss unusual or difficult situations you are encountering and learn about resources, processes, and information that can be of help.

  • CARE Team 101 — Get a better understanding of our crisis response team and how they handle reports of concern submitted by the community.

  • Special Request Presentations

Request a Presentation