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Course Syllabus Template

Drafting a comprehensive syllabus for your ISU course can be a time-consuming task, but we have made it easier for you.

Why Use a Syllabus Template?

Comprehensive Content: Our templates cover all the essential components of a university course syllabus, from course objectives to grading policies, and essential university policies.  

Accessible: These templates prioritize accessibility, ensuring inclusivity for all students. They are also compatible with assistive technologies, ensuring all students can access and engage with course materials effectively.

Quality Matters: You can be confident that your syllabus meets several specific review criteria outlined in the Quality Matters™ (QM) 7th edition rubric.  Quality Matters™ (QM) 7th edition rubric.

Time-Saving: Using a template allows you to focus your time and energy on other aspects of course development.

Customizable: While the templates provide a solid foundation, they can be fully customizable to suit your specific course requirements and teaching style.

How to Use the Syllabus Templates

The following links will open up a preview of the syllabus template.  You can select Use this template to create a copy in your Google Drive.