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Report a Concern

Who sees a Report a Concern?

The initial report will be reviewed by a staff member from the Dean of Students Office.  Depending on the details in the information shared, our overall knowledge about the individual or situation, and our assessment of severity and risk involved, the following actions may be taken.

  1. We may keep the report as “informational” in our system, with no further immediate action, in case additional reports or information come to us at a later point in time.

  2. We may reach out to the reporter to obtain additional information to help us determine next steps.

  3. We may reach out to other pertinent offices on campus to see if they are familiar with or have other important information about the individual or situation. 

  4. We may reach out directly to the person reported to let them know we received a Report of Concern and would like to meet with them to discuss how things are going and whether there are resources with which we can connect them. 

  5. We may refer the report to the campus CARE Team for assessment and response.


Can I submit a Report a Concern anonymously?

Yes, reports can be submitted anonymously; however, at times, this can limit our team’s ability to respond adequately on the reported information. Often students are grateful for faculty, staff, and supervisors’ efforts to reach out and get them help. Feeling cared for and noticed can go a long way toward supporting an individual’s willingness to accept help. Additionally, although we strive to maintain anonymity, we cannot guarantee confidentiality. If we believe a student is a risk to themselves or others, we may be legally obligated to respond to the information provided in the report. If you are worried about retaliation for submitting a report, please contact the Dean of Students Office and/or put that information in the form you submit.



The Concern, Assistance, Resources, and Education (CARE) Team is a collaborative group of campus experts that provides behavioral assessments and recommends intervention strategies for students with serious needs and concerns. The team is coordinated through the ISU Division of Student Affairs.  The CARE Team uses NABITA (National Association for Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment) standards, best practices, and training tools to guide their decisions, coordinate care and appropriate follow-up.


Who is the CARE Team?

The CARE Team is made up of a core group of staff from the following University offices:

  • Vice President for Student Affairs

  • Dean of Students

  • Public Safety

  • Counseling and Mental Health Center

  • Health Center


  • Human Resources

  • Housing

  • General Counsel

  • Title IX

  • Academic Affairs


When relevant, the team may expand to include members from the following offices: Athletics, Disability Services, Financial Aid, International Programs, Veteran Student Services, and other appropriate resources.


Report a Concern

Staff and faculty may run into some situations in which basic classroom management techniques and kind, proactive communication with students are not enough. If you believe a student to be in distress or in outright crisis, please visit our Report A Concern page for more information about how to handle these situations, determine whether the campus CARE Team should be involved, submit a Report of Concern, and more.


Request a Presentation

The Dean of Students Office makes several helpful presentations available to our campus community. If you are looking for additional tools for your toolkit, please consider signing up for one of the following presentations.

  • Talk Saves Lives (TSL) — Suicide Prevention Training

  • Dean of Students (DOS) 101 — Learn about the resources and services our office provides.

  • Challenging Situations in Changing Times — Discuss unusual or difficult situations you are encountering and learn about resources, processes, and information that can be of help.

  • CARE Team 101 — Get a better understanding of our crisis response team and how they handle reports of concern submitted by the community.

  • Special Request Presentations

Request a Presentation