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The mission of the MW CTR-IN Program is to increase and enhance clinical and translational research capacity and facilitate extramural funding success among investigators with faculty appointments at the 13 MW university partners. In the past eight years, the MW CTR-IN Program has provided more than $7.5M in pilot grant funding to over 100 investigators at our partner universities.


Full description: Pilot Grant FOA

Important Dates and Deadlines 

October 11 5:00 pm Notify OSP intent to submit.  Please include project title.
November 1  5:00 pm MW CTR-IN Pilot Grant pre-proposal to Sponsored Programs submission portal
November 21       Proposal selection and PI notification
December 6 5:00 pm    Proposal submitted to MW CTR-IN

PILOT GRANT application LOI portal

Please submit your LOI here.

PILOT GRANT application submission portal

Please submit your application here.

Purpose. The purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide promising early career and / or other mid-level to senior investigators with support to obtain the key preliminary data that will support and inform a competitive “R-level” grant application to NIH or other extramural funding sources. Projects must involve human subjects; we do not support pre-clinical research.

Webinar. We will have a webinar for details about this year’s funding mechanisms. The live webinar will be held on October 5th at 2:00 PM Mountain Time. The link to join the webinar is:


If you cannot join the webinar live, but would like to view the webinar, you can access the recording here:



Programmatic Priorities. Working in conjunction with our two Regional Community Advisory Boards (CABs) representing all six Mountain West states, we solicited input on funding priorities for the communities we serve. The following specific themes were consistently identified across all CABs:   conditions including diabetes and other related factors of food security, food sovereignty, and healthy food access.

  • Childhood obesity and metabolic conditions including diabetes and other related factors of food security, food sovereignty, and healthy food access.
  • Opioid and other substance abuse, mental health / suicide prevention and psycho-social trauma.
  • COVID-19, including impacts to healthcare access, associated influences on mental health, and disproportionate impacts to vulnerable populations.

We recognize that the above areas of research do not capture all important health priorities in all of the communities that we serve, and our funding determinations are not limited to these above topics. We also anticipate that these programmatic priorities will be revised and updated in forthcoming years as we continue to receive input from our regional stakeholders. All applications will undergo the same scientific merit review per standard NIH procedures, regardless of the topic area.  

Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility. The PI must 1) have a faculty-level appointment with a minimum of 0.5 FTE support at a participating CTR-IN Institution, and 2) must be eligible to submit extramural grant applications from their institution as a PI. The PI must devote at least 20% effort (2.4 person months) to the Pilot Grant project. Prior CTR-IN awardees are eligible to apply, but they must be in good standing (i.e., submission of requested progress reports and updates). Per IDeA program policy, an awardee may not concurrently receive funding for their research program through other IDeA mechanisms (e.g., CTR, COBRE or INBRE). 

Direct Costs: $60,000


STEP ONE - Limited competition nomination of applicants from eligible institutions:

Applicants must be nominated by their institution and subsequently invited by MW CTR-IN Program to submit a full application. Potential applicants must contact their local MW CTR-IN Concierge (Mary van Muelken (vanmmary@isu.edu 208.282.1171 or Steve Wright wrigstep@isu.edu 208.282.2593) for instructions on the internal nominating process. Each partner institution may nominate up to a maximum of five applicants.

Nominating Packets must include the following for each applicant:

  • An NIH format Biographical Sketch for the proposed PI.
  • An NIH format Other Support document for the proposed PI.
  • A summary of the proposed research of not more than one page with sufficient detail to establish that the research is clinical or translational.  Format:  Title, Specific Aims, Research Strategy (include Significance, Innovation, and Approach). Header: PI’s name and contact information. Margins: half inch or greater. Font: 11 point Arial.
  • References (optional and does not count toward one-page summary)
  • A letter of support signed by an appropriate institutional official committing to provide support for half of the requested PI effort if the CTR-IN Pilot Grant is awarded.

Eligible Mountain West CTR-IN Institutions:

Boise State University University of Alaska, Fairbanks University of Nevada Las Vegas
Idaho State University University of Wyoming University of Nevada Reno
Montana State University University of Idaho  
New Mexico State University University of Montana  
University of Alaska, Anchorage University of New Mexico HSC