America Reads at Idaho State University

America Reads is a national campaign that was initiated in 1997 and challenges every American to help our children learn to read well and independently.
HISTORY: The America Reads program located in the College of Education at Idaho State University is one of over 1,000 institutions of higher education to participate in the America Reads Challenge. We have been placing tutors in local schools since the national campaign began in 1997. These reading tutors have helped hundreds of local students at no cost to the schools they have served.
MISSION: The ISU America Reads program provides a high-quality tutoring program with enriching learning experiences for both ISU students and Kindergarten to 3rd-grade elementary school students.
TO APPLY: Any ISU student (undergraduate or graduate) may apply. Initial prospective tutors must sign up for the 1 credit class, EDUC 1170 Tutoring Reading. Tutors are required to work at least two hours a week for approximately 12 weeks a semester. Tutors may volunteer time or be paid through work-study. Returning tutors may opt-out of the class and simply do the tutoring.
MORE INFORMATION: Please contact our America Reads Coordinators, Michelle Schroeder at or Vivian Owusu at
The America Reads Program at Idaho State would like to recognize the support of FineReads and thank them for providing some additional funding through their grant program. This grant funding will be used to provide reading resources to our participating elementary schools. We are happy to partner with the FineReads team to improve the literacy of the children in our community.