New Student Resources

Office of Academic Advising
Provides general academic advising services to ISU students with specific advising responsibilities for freshmen, sophomores, transfer students, students on probation, and pre-Social Work majors. Students who are deciding their major should meet with academic advisor before registering for classes to review educational plans (MAPS) and Make Tracks to graduation.
New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation (NSO) is a required program designed to support the academic and social transition of first-year undergraduate students. It is designed as a two step process: an online Pre-Orientation followed by a virtual or on campus NSO event.
The online Pre-Orientation courses guide new students through an overview of support services available to all Bengals and highlights the role everyone has in the our ISU community has to create a safe and inclusive environment. The Pre-Orientation courses are located on the NSO site under the Before NSO Steps link. Information related to the module will also be emailed to students directly at their ISU email address. You will need your ISU username and password to sign in. Contact or (208) 282-4357 if you need assistance logging in.
The NSO event connects new students with faculty and staff, and helps them lay the ground work for successful first year at ISU. During the event students will register for their first semester, learn about their degree, and find out about opportunities for engaging in campus life. Follow this link to RSVP for NSO (NSO Registration).
Freshmen should meet with a academic advisor regularly and Think 30 to Finish in Four.
Transfer Students
Transfer students are those who have completed 14 or more credits from another regionally accredited institution. Be sure to formally declare a major as soon as possible. Contact the major department to initiate a Change Major Request (CMR).
Technology Programs
The College of Technology (COT) assists students pursuing a technology degree or certificate. Schedule advising in the COT Student Services Office.
Undecided About a Major?
Schedule time each week to Explore Majors.
Review requirements in the undergraduate catalog.
Schedule a meeting with a department advisor soon as possible to seek advice about opportunities available in a chosen discipline and discuss academic requirements. Investigate related occupations with career counselors.
Make an appointment to meet with an advisor for assistance with any concerns.
Successful students select a major by their Sophomore year and Make Tracks to graduation.
Students who have Chosen a Major
Once a major has been selected, students must contact the program department and formally declare their major using the Change Major Request (CMR) process. This allows the official assignment of a departmental advisor.
Department mentors and faculty advisors provide current detailed information about courses in majors and also about their fields of expertise.
Advising sessions with a major advisor help students develop professional relationships and pay big dividends for years to come in the form of career tips, job references, letters of recommendation, internships, graduate school applications, and more.
Non-Degree Seeking
Students who plan to attend ISU but do not plan on earning a degree.
Non-Degree Seeking Students must apply to ISU by selecting the non-degree seeking form. The undergraduate application carries a $50 non-refundable fee. Non-Degree Seeking Students should be aware of the following:
- they do not need to submit academic transcripts with their application for admission;
- they are limited to 7 credits a semester;
- they do not qualify for financial aid;
- they will register for courses during Freshman Class Level registration each semester;
- they can complete no more than 32 credits as a non-degree seeking student;
- after 32 credits, they must apply as a degree-seeking student or sign a non-degree waiver.
Senior Citizen
Individuals who are 60 years of age or older qualify for the senior citizen reduced tuition rate of $20 plus $5 per credit hour per semester. This rate does not cover any associated class fees or professional fees.
This reduced rate does not apply to workshop courses 4498P or 5598P. The rate for these courses is $55.00 per credit plus associated class fees.
Senior Citizen Students must apply to ISU. Note: If non-degree seeking, senior citizens are not required to submit academic transcripts with their application for admission. The undergraduate application carries a $50 non-refundable fee.
New and Continuing senior citizen students at ISU must fill out a Senior Citizen Reduced Fee form and present proper identification of their date of birth to the Cashier's Office in order for the senior citizen tuition rate to be applied.
Students who have completed a bachelor’s degree and are returning to college for additional coursework.
Post Baccalaureate students must apply to ISU using the undergraduate application when seeking to earn a second bachelor’s degree.
Post-Baccalaureate students must submit transcripts from all previous colleges/universities.
For additional questions or concerns, contact the Office of Admissions at 208.282.2475 or email
Those seeking to enroll in graduate level coursework will select the graduate application.
The Graduate School may be contacted at 208.282-2150 or email