Degree Works tracks courses from a students’ transcript and organizes them so an advisor and the student can quickly and easily identify complete and outstanding degree requirements by category.
It tracks all Degree Requirements listed in the ISU catalog for example:
- General University Requirements
- General Education Objective Requirements
- Major, Minor or Concentration Requirements
- Program Electives
- General Electives
- Remedial Coursework
- In-Progress Coursework
- Courses not counted toward the degree or certificate
Degree Works allows advisors to focus more of their time on career and professional goal development during one-on-one advising sessions.
- Helps advisors create four year course plan maps
- Helps advisors quickly see what changes have been made in a program of study
- Tracks General Education Requirement changes
- Easily see what coursework is currently in-progress
- Easily identify what catalog year a student is under
Degree Works can also be used to perform a "What IF" analysis to determine how completed coursework could be used in different curriculum's offered at ISU.
"What IF" audit selection criteria options
- Change a catalog year
- Change a major or add second major
- Add a minor, concentration or endorsement if applicable
Degree Work IF instructions:
- Click the What-if tab (under the header)
- Select the catalog year, program, major, and applicable concentration from the dropdown menus to change a students major.
- Note: Select the current catalog year if the student is considering a major change.
- Select the Future Classes section at the bottom, which allows you to enter courses a student plans to take but has not yet registered for.
- Select the Process What-If button.
- Note: This will remove the requirement blocks for the student's current major and apply the requirement block for the major they are considering or add the requirement block for the concentration. This is not a permanent change. Once you return to your Worksheet, the original requirement blocks will appear in the audit.
Note: If a student wants to change their major or concentration formally, please have them complete the Change of Major Form.
How to Access and Use Degree Works
To access Degree Works, logon to MyISU, then click on Discover and add the Degree Works Card.
DegreeWorks in MyISU for Students
DegreeWorks in MyISU for Advisors
When will my degree audit information update?
The information in Degree Works updates nightly.
Any registration activity, curriculum updates, petitions and transfer credit evaluations done today will be seen the next day.
Why are my credit totals in Degree Works different than what I see on my unofficial transcript?
In Degree Works do you have coursework listed under the header Courses Not Counted Toward Degree?
- Coursework identified as Remedial on an academic transcript is not degree applicable
- Review coursework listed in the ISU catalog under Specialized Credit Limitations for credit limits.
- Review coursework listed in the ISU catalog under Alternate Credit Opportunities for credit limits.
My advisor/major department gave me permission to substitute a course, but it's not showing on my audit.
The Office of the Registrar has not been formally notified that an exception has been approved.
Please ask your advisor to send this information to the Office of the Registrar through the department approved exception process.
Will I need to apply for graduation if Degree Works says I am done?
Yes! All students who wish to earn a degree/certificate from Idaho State University must officially apply for a graduation term. Please review Graduation Application information.
How does Degree Works decide where to place courses that I've completed?
Degree Works looks at your program holistically, and places each course using a "best fit" algorithm.
The "best fit" process will not always be perfect, particularly if multiple course options exist for a specific requirement. If a course does not appear in the area you expect contact your academic advisor.
I am repeating a course and don't see the IP course fulfilling the requirement on my degree audit.
In-progress course repeats fall into the insufficient category.
The previous course attempt with the final grade is utilized by the audit system to fulfill program requirements, total credits and GPA calculations.
If a student repeats a course for which they did not meet a grade minimum, the IP course will not be used by the audit system toward a program requirement.
Once grades roll to the transcript, during the end of term processing, the latest course attempt will be used by the audit system toward program requirements if applicable per ISU's repeat policy.
I'm pursing two programs (BBA, BS, Certificate, etc.). Only one appears on the audit.
Look at the degree information next to your name at the top of the screen.
The degree box has a drop-down arrow. Use this to select a different program.
My plan of study is different than what Degree Works shows.
Have you checked your catalog year?
If the catalog year matches, contact your advisor to discuss your question further.
If the catalog year does not match, contact your advisor to initiate a curriculum change request.
I had an approved exception in Degree Works, but today it is gone.
Is the exception listed at the bottom of your audit?
If the answer is yes, please email
If the answer is no, please contact your academic advisor.
Do you have a question? Email us at or call 208/282-2661.