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former graduate student Bailey Dann presenting at 3MT

Three-Minute Thesis

Founded by the University of Queensland in 2008, the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is an academic competition that cultivates students’ presentation and science communication skills. The competition challenges them to describe their research within three minutes to a general audience.

Event Information 

We invite you to join us for the 2024 3MT Competition on Thursday, November 14, 2024.

More information to follow. 


Founded in Queensland...

The idea for the 3MT competition came about at a time when the state of Queensland was suffering from severe drought. To conserve water, residents were encouraged to time their showers, and many people had a three-minute egg timer fixed to the wall in their bathroom. The then Dean of the University of Queensland Graduate School, Emeritus Professor Alan Lawson, put two and two together and the idea for the 3MT competition was born: to challenge grad students to describe their research in under three minutes to a general audience.

The first 3MT competition was held at UQ in 2008 with 160 students competing. In 2009 and 2010 the 3MT competition was promoted to other Australian and New Zealand universities and enthusiasm for the concept grew. Due to its adoption in numerous universities, a multi-national event was developed, and the Inaugural Trans-Tasman 3MT competition was held at UQ in 2010. Since 2011, the popularity of the competition has increased and 3MT competitions are now held in over 600 universities and institutions across 59 countries worldwide.

The University of Queensland has prepared a comprehensive set of rules and judging criteria. The competition will employ these same guidelines. Please view the complete rules and judging criteria online.


  1. A single, static PowerPoint slide is permitted (no slide transitions, animations, or movement of any description; the slide is to be presented from the beginning of the oration)
  2. No additional electronic media (e.g., sound and video files) is permitted
  3. No additional props (e.g., costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted
  4. Presentations are limited to three minutes maximum, and competitors exceeding three minutes are disqualified
  5. Presentations are to be spoken word (e.g., no poems, raps, or songs)
  6. Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter starts their presentation through movement or speech
  7. The decision of the adjudicating panel is final

Judging Criteria

Presentations will be judged based on the following:

1. Engagement and Communication

  • Did the oration make the audience want to know more?
  • Was the presenter careful not to trivialize or generalize their research?
  • Did the presenter convey enthusiasm for their research?
  • Did the presenter capture and maintain their audience's attention?
  • Did the PowerPoint slide enhance the presentation? Was it clear, legible, and concise?

2. Comprehension and Content

  • Did the presentation provide an understanding of the background to the research question being addressed and its significance?
  • Did the presentation clearly describe the key results of the research including conclusions and outcomes?
  • Did the presentation follow a clear and logical sequence?
  • Was the thesis topic, key results and research significance, and outcomes communicated in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience?
  • Did the speaker avoid scientific jargon, explain terminology, and provide adequate background information to illustrate points?
  • Did the presenter spend adequate time on each element of the presentation — or did he/she elaborate for too long on one aspect or was the presentation rushed?

To view videos of successful 3MT presentations visit the 3MT Website.




1st Place

Dawn Amos | Public Health - MPH

2nd Place

Adam Zambie | Biology - MS

3rd Place

Bethany Hickey | Nutrition - MS

People's Choice

Verlyn Glenn | Nursing Practice - DNP

1st Place

Lauren French | Physical Therapy - DPT

2nd Place

Ritesh Yadav | Business Administration - MBA

3rd Place

Jacob Harris | Sociology - MA

People's Choice

Jeffrey Okojie | Pharmaceutical Science - PhD

1st Place

Mel Anderson | English - MA

2nd Place

Krystoff Kissoon | Political Science - DA

3rd Place

Arina Ranjit | Pharmaceutical Science - PhD

People's Choice

Allison Loyola | Pharmaceutical Science - MS


  • Sophie Hill

  • Jacob Gibson
  • Noran Amin
  • Jessica Whitaker-Fornek
  • Stephanie McManimen

  • Jonathan Goode
  • Nirmeet Adhvaryu
  • Jessica Whitaker-Fornek

Dr. Tracy Collum speaking at 3MTStudent presenting at 3MT

Dr. Adam Bradford shaking hands with a 3MT winnerVase of flowers with the 3MT logo in them

Student presenting at 3MT2022 3MT Programs laid out on a table