Linguistics Minor
English faculty contribute to the Linguistics minor which is officially housed in the Department of Anthropology. To declare this minor, students will need to speak with their advisor or contact the Anthropology department.
The Linguistics minor offers students an interdisciplinary approach to the fascinating study of language. Specialized courses focus on the relationship between language use and culture, the structure of languages, language history, and the philosophy of language.
A minor in Linguistics can help prepare students for such careers as teaching English as a second language, writing, anthropology, law, market research, and graduate work in linguistics. A Linguistics minor goes well with majors in English, anthropology, sociology, history, or foreign languages.
The minor is a total of 26 credits.
These courses are required:
- ANTH/ENGL/LANG 1107 – Nature of Language (3)
- ENGL 2281 – Introduction to Language Studies (3)
- One year of a foreign language (8)
Choose one of the following: (3)
- ANTH/LANG 4455 – Phonetics
- ENGL 4484 Rotating Topics in Linguistics
- PHIL 4410 Philosophy of Language
- ANTH 4450/ENGL 4488 Sociolinguistics
Plus nine credits from the following: (9)
- ENGL 2280 – Grammar and Usage
- ANTH/ENGL 3367 – Language in the United States
- ANTH 4452 – American Indian Verbal Arts
- ANTH/LANG 4455 – Phonetics
- ANTH/LANG 4456 – Phonology and Morphology
- ANTH 4458 – Historical Linguistics
- ANTH 4459 – Linguistic Field Methods
- ANTH/LANG 4457 – Survey of Indo European Languages
- ANTH/ENGL/LANG 4484 – Rotating Topics in Linguistics
- ENGL/ANTH 4480 – Varieties of American English
- ENGL 4481 – Studies in Grammar
- ENGL 4486 – Old English
- ENGL 4487 – History of the English Language
- PHIL 2201 – Introduction to Logic (satisfies General Education Objective 7)
- PHIL 4410 – Philosophy of Language
Contact us:
Professor of English
English & Philosophy Administrative Assistant