Creative Writing

The Creative Writing track centers around a writing workshop model. This model includes studies in creative writing, humanities, British and American literature, genre, and language. Students learn logical analysis of prose and non-prose works, grammar usage, and build their skills to enhance their own writing and analytical thinking.
Our professors have published award-winning pieces and appear in national literary journals. Our small class-sizes allow for personal attention.
The creative writing major works best when paired with other studies that help our students prepare for the job markets of the 21st Century. In addition to pursuing their own creative writing, a student with this degree could go on to a career that involves editing, media and design, professional writing, teaching, or could pursue graduate work in the humanities.
Degree Requirements
In addition to completing the General Education and other university requirements, Creative Writing majors complete 45 credits within English as listed below. For more detail, see the ISU Undergraduate Catalog.
These courses are required:
- ENGL 2206 – Creative Writing Workshop (3)
- ENGL 2211 – Introduction to Literary Analysis (3)
- ENGL 2280 – Grammar and Usage (3) OR ENGL 2281 – Introduction to Language Studies (3)
- ENGL 3306* – Intermediate Creative Writing Workshop (3) (prereq: ENGL 2206)
- ENGL 3311 – Literary Criticism and Theory (3) (prereq: ENGL 2211)
- ENGL 4406* – Advanced Poetry Workshop (3) (prereq: ENGL 3306)
- ENGL 4408* – Advanced Prose Workshop (3) (prereq: ENGL 3306)
- ENGL 4494* – Senior Seminar in Creative Writing (3) (prereq: ENGL 4406 OR 4408)
*Please note that courses such as 3306, 4406, 4408, and 4494 are typically each offered only once a year. Work with your advisor to ensure you are taking the classes in the most efficient sequence.
Select TWO of the following Literary Histories survey courses: (6)
- ENGL 2257 – Survey of World Literature I Beginnings through 16th Century
- ENGL 2258 – Survey of World Literature II 17th Century to Present
- ENGL 2267 – Survey of British Literature I Beginnings through 18th Century
- ENGL 2268 – Survey of British Literature II 19th Century to Present
- ENGL 2277 – Survey of American Literature I Beginnings to 1860
- ENGL 2278 – Survey of American Literature II 1860 to Present
Select TWO of the following genre study courses: (6)
- ENGL 3305 – Art of the Film II (prereq: ENGL 1126)
- ENGL 3321 – Drama and Performance
- ENGL 3322 – Poetry and Poetics
- ENGL 3323 – Studies in Fiction
- ENGL 3324 – Studies in Non-Fiction
- ENGL 3327 – Special Topics in Genre
Select ONE of the following studies in identity and place courses: (3)
- ENGL 3328 – Gender and Sexuality in Literature
- ENGL 3353 – Literature of the American West
- ENGL 3354 – Studies in Black Literatures
- ENGL 3355 – Studies in Latino Literatures
- ENGL 3356 – Studies in Asian Literatures
- ENGL 4453 – Studies in Indigenous Literatures
- ENGL 4470 – Post-Colonial Literature
- ENGL 4471 – Literature and the Environment
- ENGL 4474 – Literature and Religion
- ENGL 4475 – Topics in Literature, Identity, and Place
Select ONE of the following period courses: (3)
- ENGL 4461 – Studies in Classical Literature
- ENGL 4462 – Studies in Medieval Literature
- ENGL 4463 – Studies in Renaissance Literature
- ENGL 4464 – Studies in Seventeenth-Century Literature
- ENGL 4465 – Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature
- ENGL 4466 – Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
- ENGL 4468 – Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature
- ENGL 4469 –Studies in Twenty-First-Century Literature
- ENGL 4472 –Studies in a Single Author or Circle Pre-1800
- ENGL 4473 –Studies in a Single Author or Circle Post-1800
- ENGL 4476 –Shakespeare
- ENGL 4477 –Shakespeare in Performance
Select ONE of the following advanced writing courses: (3)
- ENGL 4401 – Advanced Composition (prereq: junior standing)
- ENGL 4404 – Creative Writing: Forms and Craft (prereq: ENGL 2206)
- ENGL 4405 – Creative Writing in the Schools (prereq: ENGL 2206)
- ENGL 4409 – Literary Magazine Production (prereq: ENGL 2206)
Contact us:
Associate Professor of English, Creative Writing
Associate Professor of English, Creative Writing
English & Philosophy Administrative Assistant
A Creative Writing minor can add exciting balance to a major in the sciences. A literary English major might like to experience literature from the other side – writing it as opposed to critiquing it. Many important novelists hold full-time jobs in other fields; an economics major can also be a great poet.
A minor in Creative Writing can be an important beginning to your future as a great poet or novelist; ready you to write film, book, or game reviews; or kick start a creative writing portfolio for application to MFA programs.
The minor is a total of 21 credits.
These courses are required:
- ENGL 2206 – Creative Writing Workshop (3)
- ENGL 2211 – Introduction to Literary Analysis (3)
- ENGL 3306* – Intermediate Creative Writing Workshop (3) (prereq: ENGL 2206)
- ENGL 4406* – Advanced Poetry Workshop (3) OR ENGL 4408 – Advanced Prose Workshop (3) (prereq: ENGL 3306)
- ENGL 4494* – Senior Seminar in Creative Writing (3) (prereq: ENGL 4406 OR ENGL 4408)
*Please note that courses such as 3306, 4406, 4408, and 4494 are typically each offered only once a year. Work with your advisor to ensure you are taking the classes in the most efficient sequence.
Select ONE of the following: (3)
- ENGL 2257 – Survey of World Literature I Beginnings through 16th Century
- ENGL 2258 – Survey of World Literature II 17th Century to Present
- ENGL 2267 – Survey of British Literature I Beginnings through 18th Century
- ENGL 2268 – Survey of British Literature II 19th Century to Present
- ENGL 2277 – Survey of American Literature I Beginnings to 1860
- ENGL 2278 – Survey of American Literature II 1860 to Present
Select an upper-division English elective: (3)
Contact us:
Associate Professor of English, Creative Writing
Associate Professor of English, Creative Writing
English & Philosophy Administrative Assistant