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Professional Development Workshops

Idaho State University Department of Counseling has been approved by National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 3010. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Idaho State University Department of Counseling is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. CEs for Licensed Professional Counselors, Social Workers, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Teachers, Psychologists, and other Mental Health Professionals. 

Please note: Clinicians are responsible for ensuring the CEs we provide fit the continuing education requirements of their particular licensing board.


2024 Schedule 




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August 2nd & 3rd, 2024 – LIVE WEBINAR

Advanced Supervision Workshop

ShaRhonda Stevenson, M.A, LPC, MDFT, NCC. 

15 Contact Hours

Workshop Description:

This workshop will satisfy the requirement of 15 hours of clinical supervision training needed for the Registered Supervisor designation with the State of Idaho Licensing Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family therapists (IDAPA rule Participants will gain knowledge regarding the roles and functions of a clinical supervisor; best practices; State of Idaho requirements; legal and ethical considerations; informed consent and documentation; relationship building; models of supervision; multicultural considerations; evaluation and gatekeeping; and supervisor self-care.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:
1.    Participants become familiar with and discuss best clinical supervision practices.
2.    Participants will learn about ethical standards or supervision practice as designated by IDOPL.
3.    Participants will learn about relevant theories of supervision, including developmental models

Registration Fee: $200

Friday & Saturday, August 2nd & 3rd, 2024 – 8:00am-5:00pm 1 hr lunch (MST) 

Location: Live Webinar

Pay for a Workshop


August 9th, 2024 – IN-PERSON

Ethical Considerations in Walk and Talk Counseling

Katie Sacco, PhD, LPC, C-AAIS & Pamela Vance, LPC, CRC



Workshop Description:

Since the COVID-19 pandemic more counselors have moved to incorporate walk and talk counseling in their professional practice to prevent burnout and benefit clients. Due to the complex environment of working outdoors there are additional ethical considerations that counselors need to be aware of in intake and informed consent documentation. This workshop will address many ethical components for counselors in the beginning stages of incorporating walk and talk counseling into their work with clients.

Participants should be prepared to be outdoors for the whole 3 hours, please wear comfortable clothes/shoes, and bring a chair if you would like!


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Participants will review ethical considerations for informed consent when engaging in walk and talk counseling.
  2. Participants will explore specific aspects of relationship building considerations in walk and talk counseling.
  3. Participants will engage with 1-2 walk and talk counseling practice experiences.


Registration Fee: $60

Friday, August 9th, 2024 – 9:00am- 12:00pm (MST) – In-Person

Location: Idaho State University, Garrison Hall, Pocatello, Idaho 83209

Pay for a Workshop


August 17th, 2024 - IN-PERSON

Advanced Supervision: Navigating the Supervisory Relationship with LGBTQIA+ Counselors

Erin Burgess, MS, LPC


Workshop Description

This session will focus on navigating the supervisory relationship when supervising counselors and counselors-in-training who identify as LGBTQIA+. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the importance of recognizing differing visible and invisible identities in the supervisory setting and learn strategies to improve the supervisory relationship.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Understand the role of advocacy in supervisory relationships when working with LGBTQIA+ counselors and counselors-in-training.
  2. Develop an understanding of the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ counselors and counselors-in-training.
  3. Improve ability to build strong supervisory relationships with LGBTQIA+ counselors and counselors-in-training
  4. Be able to identify the importance of language in the supervisory relationship


Registration Fee: $100

Saturday, August 17th, 2024 - 9:00am - 3:00pm MST

Location: Idaho State University, Meridian Campus

Pay for a Workshop


August 23rd, 2024 – IN-PERSON

Advanced Supervision: Supervising Neurodivergent Divergent Clinicians Using a Strengths-Based Approach

Alex Green, MS, PCLC 

6 Contact Hours

Workshop Description:

The presentation will begin with a brief overview of major ND diagnoses and associated traits. After a strong foundation is established, there will be a discussion of how traits may mimic other diagnoses. A review of the most effective interventions for ND clients will follow this discussion. The presentation will be closed by a discussion of how the previously discussed tools may also translate to better support for ND clinicians.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Improved understanding of ND diagnoses and traits
  2. Learning 2-3 strategies for effective work with ND clients
  3. Discussion of improved advocacy for ND clients and clinicians
  4. Increased awareness of clinician’s ND identity
  5. Familiarity with current strengths-based models for working with ND students/clinicians


Registration Fee: $100

Friday, August 23rd, 2024 – 9:00am- 4:00pm (MST) (includes 1 hour lunch) – In-Person

Location: Idaho State University, Garrison Hall, Building 63, Rm. 726, Pocatello, Idaho 83209

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September 6th, 2024 – HYBRID

Navigating Ethics in Practice: A Refresher on Ethical Decision Making in Supervision

Alex Green, MS, PCLC

6 Contact Hours

Workshop Description:

The workshop will begin with a brief overview of the ACA Code of Ethics with special attention given to the recent changes made in the 2024 Code of Ethics. After the overview the presenter will review the ethical decision-making model. The second half of the class will involve case studies and discussions about applying the decision-making model to client work and supervision.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Review updated ethical standards
  2. Refresh on the process/use of the ethics decision-making model
  3. Apply new ethical standards and decision-making model to work with supervisees
  4. Special emphasis on ethical decisions with the recent addition of the counseling compact


Registration Fee: $100

Friday, September 6th, 2024 – 9:00am- 4:00pm (MST) (includes 1 hour lunch)

Location: Idaho State University, Garrison Hall, Building 63, Rm. 726, Pocatello, Idaho 83209

Pay for a Workshop


September 20th, 2024 – LIVE WEBINAR

Advanced Clinical Supervision: Mastering Technology & Ethics for Telehealth

Timothy Hakenewerth, Ph.D., LPC (MO), NCC & William Lane Jr., Ph.D., LPCC, NCC, BC-TMH



Workshop Description:

This workshop will prepare attendees to effectively engage as clinical supervisors in online modalities. Attendees will become familiar with foundational as well as emergent technologies; review supervisory ethics unique to telehealth; learn best practices for this distinct modality; and develop policies and procedures relevant to telehealth.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Participants will identify foundational and emergent technologies relevant to counseling and supervision and their implications
  2. Participants will understand the unique ethical implications of telesupervision
  3. Participants will be able to develop policies and procedures to support effective telehealth and telesupervision practice.
  4. Participants will be able to apply best practices in telesupervision


Registration Fee: $100

Friday, September 20th, 2024 – 9:00am- 4:30pm (MST) (1 hr lunch break)

Location: Live Webinar

Pay for a Workshop

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November 1st & 2nd, 2024 – LIVE WEBINAR

Sexual Assault: Ethical Considerations, Crisis Intervention, and Evidence-Based Treatment (Prolonged Exposure Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy)

Darleen Dempster, Ph.D., LPC/S, NCC, ACS

15 Contact Hours

Workshop Description:

This presentation will review relevant ethical codes and fundamental principles of ethical behavior relating to clinical work with sexualized violence. The presentation will review essential information about sexual assault, including statistics, barriers for seeking treatment, myths, and crisis intervention for individuals recently assaulted. The presentation will review evidence-based treatment for sexual assault, including prolonged exposure therapy and cognitive processing therapy.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Analyze ethics and ethical practice as it relates to counseling and serving survivors of sexual violence.
  2. Participants will be able to differentiate between forms of unwanted sexual experiences: consensual unwanted sex, verbal coercion, substance related coercion, physical coercion.
  3. Participants will be able to compare psychological consequences of each of these various types of coercion for survivors.
  4. Participants will be able to appraise additional barriers for seeking treatment for Black and LGBTQIA+ survivors.
  5. Participants will be able to analyze sexual assault myths, internalized and expressed in others, that negatively impact the experience of sexual assault.
  6. Participants will evaluate crisis intervention approaches for recent sexual assault survivors.
  7. Participants will analyze two treatment options for working with sexual assault, Prolonged Exposure Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy.


Registration Fee: $200

Friday & Saturday, November 1st & 2nd, 2024 – 9:00am-5:00pm 1/2 hr lunch (MST)

Location: Live Webinar

Pay for a Workshop



November 6th, 2024 – LIVE WEBINAR

ACT: A Review with Application

Sarah Campbell, PhD, NCC, ACS, BC-TMH

3 Contact Hours

Workshop Description:

This session will consist of reviewing the stages of ACT, role playing each of the stages and a discussion on the cultural considerations of using this approach. If time allows, we will also explore recent EB research related to the use of ACT.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Understand the core constructs of ACT.
  2. Apply the core constructs of ACT through role playing.
  3. Understand cultural considerations related to the use of ACT.


Registration Fee: $60

Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 – 9:00am-12:00pm (MST)

Location: Live Webinar

Pay for a Workshop


November 8th & 9th, 2024 – LIVE WEBINAR

Three Theories into Practice: REBT, TA, IFS

Nina Spadaro, Ed.D. & Rives Thornton, NCC, LMHC, & ACS


Workshop Description:
The program consists of four sections. Impact Therapy Creative Counseling Techniques presents counseling maps, props, movement, and the use of voice in counseling sessions. REBT emphasizes how thoughts intensify or quiet feelings integrating multisensory techniques. TA which overviews how an individual’s ego states interact relationally, incorporating visual and kinesthetic techniques. IFS which overviews the multiplicity of the mind, the 8 C’s of the Self, creative techniques and IFS strategies to improve Self-compassion and Self-esteem.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Participants will learn and apply basic counseling session maps of the Impact Therapy approach to counseling and creative multisensory techniques.
  2. Participants will learn foundational principles, aspects, and applications of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Transactional Analysis, and Internal Family Systems.
  3. Participants will practice application of techniques of the three theories of focus and incorporate them into their own counseling style.

Registration Fee: $175

Friday & Saturday, November 8th & 9th, 2024 – 9:00am – 4:00pm MST (1 hour lunch)

Location: Live Webinar

Pay for a Workshop

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December 13th, 2024 - Live Webinar

How Play Becomes Real: The Oaklander Approach to Gestalt Play Therapy and Drawing

Peter Mortola, Ph.D.

3 Contact Hours

Workshop Description:

In this workshop, I will reinforce the value of a playful and creative approach to therapy, based on the work of Dr. Violet Oaklander. I will demonstrate through both theory and practice how a playful and creative approach to therapy can help enliven, sharpen, and make more authentic the therapeutic encounter, both between the therapist and the client, as well as between the client and (the sometimes surprising) aspects of the self that are discovered through play and art: Paradoxically, play and art can make therapy more real. In addition to theory and research, we will focus in this workshop on a set of drawings that can be used with clients of all ages to enhance therapeutic contact and allow relevant content to emerge and be explored in a way that provides new perspectives and possibilities.


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Gain an understanding of the Oaklander approach to therapy with children, adolescents and adults
  2. Gain an understanding of how the playful use of drawings in the therapeutic process can paradoxically help clients address real-life issues
  3. Engage in hands-on, learning opportunities exploring the use of drawings in therapy


Registration Fee: $60

December 13th, 2024 - 9:00am - 12:00pm MST 

Location: Live Webinar

Pay for a Workshop




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