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Are you interested in making positive changes on campus? Get involved in student government! Serving as a member of ASISU is an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills, meet other students, and grow a passion for Idaho State University. All student government positions are awarded a scholarship or stipend. 

How to apply

  • Applications: Full descriptions of all ASISU job duties for all position may be found below. To be considered for a position submit a Student Officer Application  and email your completed application to asisu@isu.edu.
  • Elections: Candidates for the positions of President, Vice President, Outreach Campus Vice Presidents, and Senators are voted into office through a general election. To participate in elections, candidates must complete the 2025 Candidate Packet  
    • Elections are held every spring semester. 

Duties and Responsibilities:

A. Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA and 3 credit hours.
B. Oversee the organization of ASISU.
C. Read and understand the ASISU Bylaws, Constitution, Rule Books, Election Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
D. Interview and recommend Committee Chairs.
E. Interview and appoint Executive Cabinet Directors.
F. Plan the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
G. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
H. Enforce the ASISU Bylaws and Constitution.
I. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
J. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
K. Attend and report to the Executive Cabinet and Senate on the President’s Fall Address.
L. Serve a minimum of ten (10) office hours per week.
M. Delegate university-level committee requests equitably.
N. Attend Leadership Council meetings once a month.
O. Attend and present ASISU’s updates to the Faculty Senate.
P. Attend university level committee meetings as deemed necessary.
Q. Preside over all Executive Cabinet Meetings each week.
R. Meet with the ASISU Advisor once a month.
S. Attend Finance Committee meetings.
T. Attend Senate meetings and present a report to the Senate during the “President’s Report.”
U. Maintain good relations with the student body, administration, and community.
V. Ensure that ASISU money is properly used.
W. Complete the monthly checklist and return it to the Secretary. The President’s checklist will be kept on file in case of any discrepancies, complaints, or inquiries.
X. Review all checklists for all Vice Presidents, Executive Cabinet members, and Elections Commissioner members with the Secretary.
Y. Attend State Board of Education meetings.
Z. Attend all Associated Students Meetings for Idaho’s Student Government.
AA. Plan the End-of-the-Year Banquet.
BB. Attend the End-of-the-Year Banquet.
CC. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.
DD. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Student Body President.

Duties and Responsibilities:

A. Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA and 6 credit hours.
B. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
C. Interview and recommend Committee Chairs.
D. Interview and appoint Executive Cabinet Directors.
E. Plan the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
F. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
G. Read and understand the ASISU Bylaws, Constitution, Senate Rule Book, Election
Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
H. Serve a minimum of five (5) office hours per week.
I. Delegate university-level committee requests equitably.
J. Preside over all Senate meetings using Parliamentary Procedure.
K. Attend Executive Cabinet meetings each week.
L. Attend Finance Committee meetings each week.
M. Enforce the ASISU Bylaws and Constitution.
N. Attend university-level committee meetings as requested.
O. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
P. Complete a monthly checklist and return it to the Secretary.
Q. Review checklists for the Senators and Senate Pro-Tempore with the Secretary.
R. Plan the End-of-the-Year Banquet.
S. Attend the End-of-the-Year Banquet.
T. To assume the duties of the President in the event of a resignation or removal.
U. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Vice President.
V. To exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Idaho Falls Vice President 

A. Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA and 6 credit hours with at least one (1) course on the Idaho Falls campus.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
C. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
D. Attend at least one (1) Idaho Falls Student Activities Board meeting a month.
E. Attend Executive Cabinet meetings each week.
F. Attend Finance Committee meetings each week.
G. Attend Senate meetings each week.
H. Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week on the Idaho Falls Campus.
I. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
J. Assist others in creating new student organizations and clubs on the Idaho Falls Campus.

K. Help current student organizations and clubs with events or promotions.
L. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
M. Speak with students on an individual basis in order to gain a clear understanding of students’ needs and requests on the Idaho Falls campus.
N. Assist and communicate with the respective Student Activities Board Director and report campus activities and events to the Pocatello campus.
O. Complete the monthly checklist and return it to the Secretary.
P. Attend the End-of-the-Year Banquet.
Q. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Vice President of Idaho Falls.
R. To exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.

Meridian Vice President 

A. Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA and 6 credit hours with at least one (1) course on the Meridian campus.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
C. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
D. Attend at least one (1) Meridian Student Activities Board meeting a month.
E. Attend Executive Cabinet meetings each week.
F. Attend Finance Committee meetings each week.
G. Attend Senate meetings each week.
H. Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week on the Meridian Campus.
I. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
J. Assist others in creating new student organizations and clubs on the Meridian Campus.
K. Help current student organizations and clubs with events or promotions.
L. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
M. Speak with students on an individual basis in order to gain a clear understanding of students’ needs and requests on the Meridian campus.
N. Assist and communicate with the respective Student Activities Board Director and report campus activities and events to the Pocatello campus.
O. Complete the monthly checklist and return it to the Secretary.
P. Attend the End-of-the-Year Banquet.
Q. To exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.
R. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Vice President of Meridian.

Twin Falls Vice President 

A. Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA and 6 credit hours with at least one (1) course on the Twin Falls campus.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
C. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
D. Attend at least one (1) Twin Falls Student Activities Board meeting a month.
E. Attend Executive Cabinet meetings each week.
F. Attend Finance Committee meetings each week.
G. Attend Senate meetings each week.
H. Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week on the Twin Falls Campus.
I. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
J. Assist others in creating new student organizations and clubs on the Twin Falls Campus.
K. Help current student organizations and clubs with events or promotions.
L. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
M. Speak with students on an individual basis in order to gain a clear understanding of students’ needs and requests on the Twin Falls campus.
N. Complete the monthly checklist and return it to the Secretary.
O. Attend the End-of-the-Year Banquet.
P. To exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.
Q. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Vice President of Twin Falls.

Duties and Responsibilities:

A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall Semester.
C. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, Senate Rule Book, Executive
Cabinet Rule Book, Election Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
D. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
E. Attend weekly Executive Cabinet meetings.
F. Chair all ASISU Finance Committee meetings and oversee the annual budget process.
G. Attend weekly Senate meetings.
H. Complete the creation of ASISU’s Budget Book and Club Funding Budget.
I. Work up to 15 hours each week to conduct ASISU financial business.
J. Publicize and promote line item resources and services to students.
K. Notify student organizations and clubs of financial Bylaw amendments.
L. Assist student clubs and organizations and individual funding requests through Benny’s Funding form.
M. Help assist the Student Leadership and Engagement Center’s Club Funding Workshops.
N. Monitor club incentive points and present a report at the end of each semester for the Senate to approve.
O. Work with the Financial Technician to update the sub account budgets when funds are used by the Senate or Executive Cabinet.
P. Present monthly financial budget reports to the Senate.
Q. Complete monthly checklists and return, along with committee checklists, to the Secretary.
R. Delegate financial committee needs to Finance Committee members as deemed necessary.
S. Attend the ASISU End-of-the-Year Banquet.
T. Be responsible for other financial matters assigned by the President, Senate Finance Committee, or the Senate.
U. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, and Election Code.
V. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Director of Finance.


Duties and Responsibilities:

A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall Semester.
C. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, Senate Rule Book, Executive Cabinet Rule Book, Election Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
D. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
E. Attend weekly Executive Cabinet meetings.
F. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.
G. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
H. Post a minimum of one main post and two story posts a week on all social media
(Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter) accounts using graphics, photos, videos, and reels.
I. Meet twice a month with the ASISU’s Student Involvement Committee.
J. Attend the university-level marketing committee meetings.
K. Develop a strategic marketing plan that tracks likes/interactions.
L. Highlight an active club each month on social media.
M. Work with the bengal newspaper on all publications relating to our ASISU column.
N. Work with the Elections Commission to publicize the ASISU Election.
O. Carry out such other functions and duties as required under the ASISU Constitution, Election Code, and Bylaws.
P. Be responsible for other financial matters assigned by the President, Senate Finance Committee, or the Senate.
Q. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, and Election Code.
R. Help serve in the appointment and training of next year’s Director of Public Relations.

Duties and Responsiblities: 

A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall Semester.
C. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, Senate Rule Book, Executive Cabinet Rule Book, Election Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
D. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
E. Attend weekly Executive Cabinet meetings.
F. Serve a minimum of (2) office hours each week.
G. Complete monthly checklists and return to the Secretary.
H. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
I. Help advance university and state government relations.
J. Monitor and lobby any state legislation regarding higher education.
K. Spearhead voter registration and voter information events of local and state candidates.
L. Send out monthly newsletters of ASISU’s progress to all students.
M. Promote the university and development relationships with the local government, local non-partisan organizations, and local businesses.
N. Emphasize off-campus career pathway internship opportunities for students.
O. Work with the Alumni Association to help students develop networks in their field.

Duties and Responsibilities: 

A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
C. Serve a minimum of one (1) office hour per week.
D. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, and Election Code.
E. Enforce the Election Code.
F. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
G. Attend Executive Cabinet meetings.
H. Attend all Elections Commission meetings.
I. Set an Election Timeline by the 10th regular Senate meeting and present for approval by the Senate.
J. Update the Election Code (Fall Semester).
K. Update the list of posting policies for campus buildings and other places found in the Candidate Election packet (Fall Semester).
L. Update the Candidate Election packet (Fall Semester).
M. Reserve and decorate spaces for Election publicity events.
N. Host two ASISU informational meetings.
O. Oversee the creation of a Voters Guide to inform students.
P. Host a Mandatory Candidate Meeting where candidates proof names and ballot placement.
Q. Host Senator Speeches and Executive Ticket debate events.
R. Actively monitor campaign material placements to ensure no violations of the Election Code.
S. Tabulate votes for all ASISU elections.
T. Share election results with candidates and the ISU community through various mediums.
U. Assess fines and return deposits.
V. Present election results to the ASISU Senate for approval.
W. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
X. Complete a monthly checklist and return it to the Secretary.
Y. Review checklists for the Elections Commission with the Secretary.
Z. Complete the duties listed in the Elections Commision Timeline.
AA. Attend the ASISU End-of-the-Year Banquet.
BB. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.
CC. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Elections Commissioner.

Duties and Responsibilities:

A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall Semester.
C. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, Senate Rule Book, Executive Cabinet Rule Book, Election Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
D. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
E. Attend weekly Executive Cabinet meetings.
F. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours each week.
G. Complete monthly checklists and return to the Secretary.
H. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
I. Collaborate with Faculty Senate and other stakeholders on issues such as inconsistent grading, rubrics, dead week, academic transparency, textbook costs, scholarship accessibility, class registration and syllabus transparency, graduation, etc.
J. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.
K. Help serve in the appointment of and training for next year’s Director of Student Affairs.

Duties and Responsibilities:

A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall Semester.
C. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, Senate Rule Book, Executive
Cabinet Rule Book, Election Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
D. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
E. Attend weekly Executive Cabinet meetings.
F. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours each week.
G. Complete monthly checklists and return to the Secretary.
H. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
I. Help execute student-led projects.
J. Develop and implement a Bengal Sustainability Statement to encourage sustainable and eco friendly activity on campus following approval of the Senate.
K. Work the ASISU-funded newspaper, ASISU-funded radio, and Office of Marketing and Communications to publicize current events and activities.
L. Partner with the Sustainability Club to help assist with Executive decisions.
M. Collaborate with students and staff and encourage the university President’s public commitment to an agreement or pledge.
N. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.
O. Help serve in the appointment of and training for next year’s Director of Sustainability.

Duties and Responsibilities:

A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours. Graduate Senators are required to maintain a minimum of 6 credit hours.
B. Read and understand the ASISU Bylaws, Constitution, Rule Books, Election Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
C. Uphold the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Mission statement.
D. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
E. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
F. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
G. Attend all Senate meetings.
H. Attend all Caucus meetings.
I. Attend all assigned ASISU committee meetings.
J. Attend all assigned university-level committee meetings.
K. Serve a minimum of one (1) office hour per week.
L. Conduct at least four (4) field hours each month.
M. Participate in the ROAR Report once a year.
N. Participate in the Instagram Takeover Tuesday once a year.
O. Contact assigned clubs one time during the first 30 days of each semester and one time at least one week prior to the date incentive points are due.
P. Contact assigned line item account at least one (1) time per month and report to the ASISU Finance Committee one (1) time per semester (Finance Committee members only).
Q. Perform one (1) ASISU sanctioned service project per year.
R. Attend one (1) ASISU sanctioned event per semester on an outreach campus.
S. Complete monthly checklists and return them to the Secretary.
T. Attend the ASISU End-of-the-Year Banquet.
U. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.
V. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s respective Senator.


Duties and Responsibilities:

A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
C. Serve a minimum of one (1) office hour per week.
D. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, and Election Code.
E. Enforce the Election Code.
F. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
G. Attend Executive Cabinet meetings.
H. Attend all Elections Commission meetings.
I. Set an Election Timeline by the 10th regular Senate meeting and present for approval by the Senate.
J. Update the Election Code (Fall Semester).
K. Update the list of posting policies for campus buildings and other places found in the Candidate Election packet (Fall Semester).
L. Update the Candidate Election packet (Fall Semester).
M. Reserve and decorate spaces for Election publicity events.
N. Host two ASISU informational meetings.
O. Oversee the creation of a Voters Guide to inform students.
P. Host a Mandatory Candidate Meeting where candidates proof names and ballot placement.
Q. Host Senator Speeches and Executive Ticket debate events.
R. Actively monitor campaign material placements to ensure no violations of the Election Code.
S. Tabulate votes for all ASISU elections.
T. Share election results with candidates and the ISU community through various mediums.
U. Assess fines and return deposits.
V. Present election results to the ASISU Senate for approval.
W. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
X. Complete a monthly checklist and return it to the Secretary.
Y. Review checklists for the Elections Commission with the Secretary.
Z. Complete the duties listed in the Elections Commision Timeline.
AA. Attend the ASISU End-of-the-Year Banquet.
BB. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.
CC. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Elections Commissioner.

    Duties and Responsibilities:

      A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
      B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
      C. Serve a minimum of one (1) office hour per week in the Spring Semester.
      D. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, and Election Code.
      E. Enforce the Election Code.
      F. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
      G. Attend all Elections Commission meetings.
      H. Attend all activities in relation to the Elections Commission.
      I. Act as a primary liaison between all candidates and the Commission.
      J. To assume the duties of the Elections Commissioner in the event of an absence, resignation, or removal.
      K. Tabulate votes for all ASISU elections.
      L. Complete a monthly checklist and return to the Secretary.
      M. Attend the ASISU End-of-the-Year Banquet.
      N. Assist the other members of the Commission when necessary.
      O. Carry out such other functions and duties as required under the ASISU Constitution, Election Code, and Bylaws.
      P. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Deputy Elections Commissioner.

      Duties and Responsibilities:

      A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
      B. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
      C. Serve a minimum of one (1) office hour per week in the Spring Semester.
      D. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, and Election Code.
      E. Enforce the Election Code.
      F. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
      G. Attend all Elections Commission meetings.
      H. Attend all activities in relation to the Elections Commission.
      I. Provide extensive publicity of the election during the candidate filing period.
      J. Create the Voters’ Guide, detailing the parties’ and candidates’ issues and stances.
      K. Advertise the election’s candidates and/or party.
      L. Act as a primary liaison between all candidates and the Commission.
      M. Tabulate votes for all ASISU elections.
      N. Complete a monthly checklist and return to the Secretary.
      O. Attend the ASISU End-of-the-Year Banquet.
      P. Assist the other members of the Commission when necessary.
      Q. Carry out such other functions and duties as required under the ASISU Constitution, Election Code, and Bylaws.
      R. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Publicity Elections Commissioner.

      Duties and Responsibilities:

      A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
      B. Read and understand the ASISU Bylaws, Constitution, Rule Books, Election Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
      C. Uphold the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Mission statement.
      D. Attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall semester.
      E. Schedule a tour with an Ambassador at the beginning of the academic year for all ASISU officers.
      F. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
      G. Publicize and promote resources and services that ASISU offers to students.
      H. Attend all Senate meetings.
      I. Conduct Senate meetings the ASISU Vice President cannot attend.
      J. Preside over all Caucus meetings.
      K. Attend all assigned ASISU committee meetings.
      L. Attend all assigned university-level committee meetings.
      M. Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.
      N. Orient Senators and instruct them on their specific duties, such as office hours and committee participation.
      O. Be an advocate for Senators when they have questions or concerns regarding Senator responsibilities and procedures.
      P. Lead committee assignments for Committee Chairs.
      Q. Guide the vision of the Senate.
      R. Organize and promote ASISU trainings (Title IX, Domestic Violence, Suicide Awareness, etc).
      S. Complete monthly checklists, along with any committee assignments, and return it to the Secretary.
      T. Attend the End-of-the-Year Banquet.
      U. To assume the duties of the Vice President in the event of an absence, resignation, or removal.
      V. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.

      Duties and Responsibilities:

      A. Outline related yearly goals each with a specific timeline and share them with the Senate Pro-Tempore.
      B. Assign Line Items to committee members.
      C. Meet at least twice a month with committee members.
      D. Report the committee’s progress when called by the chair during the weekly Senate meeting.
      E. Ensure financial integrity and use of funds are in alignment with the ASISU mission statement and governing documents.
      F. Work with the Director of Finance in the creation of the budget book.
      G. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.

      Duties and Responsibilities:

      A. Interview and research all Presidential appointments for Executive Cabinet Directors.
      B. Outline related yearly goals each with a specific timeline and share them with the Senate Pro-Tempore.
      C. Meet at least twice a month with committee members.
      D. Report the committee’s progress when called by the chair during the weekly Senate meeting.
      E. Review all Presidential appointments and report to the Senate.
      F. Release all bills and resolutions to the Senate after ensuring compliance with all governing documents.
      G. Update and enforce the ASISU Bylaws and Constitution during the Fall Legislative Convention where committee members ensure the Senate is abiding by all governing materials.
      H. Communicate all passed Bills and Resolutions to key stakeholders through an email and, if needed, a meeting.
      I. Reapportion the ASISU Senate every third year in the fall on the basis of full-time enrollment counting part-time enrollment at a 3:1 ratio (three (3)
      part-time students equal one (1) full-time student).
      J. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.

      Duties and Responsibilities:


      A. Outline related yearly goals each with a specific timeline and share them with the Senate Pro-Tempore.
      B. Meet at least twice a month with committee members.
      C. Report the committee’s progress when called by the chair during the weekly Senate meeting.
      D. Plan and attend academic and student-led activities through the promotion of ASISU.
      E. Coordinate with KISU to highlight all Senators on the ROAR Report.
      F. Enforce our ASISU logo on all line item swag.
      G. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.

      Duties and Responsibilities:

      A. Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and 12 credit hours.
      B. Work up to 20 hours per week.
      C. Plan and attend the ASISU Retreat before the Fall Semester.
      D. Read and understand the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, Senate Rule Book, Executive Cabinet Rule Book, Election Code, and Parliamentary Procedure.
      E. Wear orange and black or Bengal gear every Wednesday.
      F. Attend and live stream weekly Executive Cabinet and Senate meetings.
      G. Work with the President and Vice President to address student and ASISU representative needs.
      H. Send out official Executive Cabinet and Senate meeting minutes and agendas on Fridays before the Wednesday meetings.
      I. Create and review officer checklists once a month.
      J. Take and track attendance of all officers.
      K. Impose non-academic sanctions and financial penalties upon those in violation of the Constitution, Bylaws, policies, procedures or regulations.
      L. Manage the office by replying to emails, answering phone calls, and other related office duties.
      M. Update all official ASISU documents.
      N. Provide assistance during the election campaign by creating and uploading the Voters’ Guide on ASISU’s website.
      O. Communicate directly with the ASISU advisor.
      P. Assist ASISU with purchases such as gear, name tags, and swag before the Fall semester.
      Q. Plan and attend the End of the Year Banquet.
      R. Exercise all other responsibilities defined within the Employee Handbook, Constitution, Bylaws, Rule Books, and Election Code.
      S. Help serve in the appointment and training of the next year’s Secretary.