Organizations within ASISU

Presidential Cabinet

The President's Cabinet consists of the President, Vice President, Vice Presidents of Outreach Campuses, Directors, the Election Commissioner, and the Senate Pro Tempore. The Presidents Cabinet is dedicated to fostering a collaborative, accountable, and dynamic environment that upholds the values and mission of Idaho State University. Committed to serving our student body with integrity, transparency, and diligence, ensuring that every action we take is in the best interest of the student community. Our collective efforts will focus on actively engaging students, advocating for their academic and social needs, and ensuring effective communication between students, faculty, and administration. Through our involvement in university committees, executive meetings, and service to the student body, we aim to empower students and enhance the overall experience at Idaho State University. We will consistently strive for excellence in leadership and communication, ensuring that our decisions and actions reflect the diverse needs and interests of the student body.
In all that we do, we will remain accountable to one another, to our peers, and to the university community, fostering an environment of respect, growth, and collaboration. Together, we will work to strengthen the ASISU organization and continue to elevate the voice of the student body at Idaho State University.
Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is composed of the Director of Finance, nine Senators, the ASISU President, the Vice President, and all Outreach Campus Vice Presidents. Each agenda item is allotted ten minutes, although this time may be extended if necessary. Any ASISU official who is affiliated with a club or organization seeking funding must abstain from presenting or voting on any requests related to that entity. These requests must be submitted to the ASISU Secretary by 12 pm on the Friday before the Wednesday Senate meeting. For a request to be considered, it must include a description, itemized breakdown, fund source, how the funds will be used, any potential issues, and the number of people impacted. Requests over $1,000 will be reviewed by the Finance Committee before being introduced to the Senate. Once introduced, the Finance Committee votes on the request the following week. If approved, the request will be presented at the Senate meeting. The Senate then votes on the request during the next meeting under Old Business, with a supermajority vote required to approve, table, or deny the request. Once approved by both the Finance Committee and the Senate, the requestor must work with the Director of Finance, Vice President, and Secretary to ensure the funds are used appropriately. If funds are misused, they can be revoked. Approved funds must be used within the same academic year. Requests under $1,000 do not require approval from the Finance Committee, but must still be introduced and approved by the Senate. The outgoing ASISU administration is responsible for posting the next fiscal year’s approved budget on the ASISU website and making it available to students upon request. The Director of Finance will also handle any requests for financial statements from ASISU members.
The Senate shall meet for caucus weekly on the same night as the regular Senate meetings. The Senate Pro-Tempore shall preside over Caucus meetings. Caucus meetings are not required to follow Robert’s Rules of Order. All students, faculty, and staff are welcome and able to attend any Caucus meeting without invitation. Matters that need to come to the attention of the Senate may be discussed during Caucus. No formal action or voting will take place during Caucus and minutes will not be taken.

The Senate is comprised of two representatives from each college at Idaho State University. These representatives are responsible for attending and participating in Senate meetings, which are held every Wednesday at 7:00 pm Mountain Time in the Shirley Sargent Family Boardroom. Senate meetings are scheduled to adjourn by 10:00 pm, and roll call will be taken before each meeting adjourns. The End-of-the-Year Banquet will be considered the official last meeting of the year.
The Vice President is responsible for maintaining decorum during Senate meetings. Speaker time is limited to five minutes per person, and the maximum discussion time for any agenda item is 15 minutes unless extended by a motion. The Vice President will enforce these time limits during the meeting.
Rules and Appointments Committee

The Rules and Appointments Committee is responsible for overseeing the Senate’s proposals, actions, and all Presidential appointments to ensure they align with the ASISU Constitution, Bylaws, Election Code, and rulebooks. The committee has several key duties, including: ensuring all introduced bills and resolutions meet the established guidelines; interviewing and researching Presidential appointment nominations; providing voting results and a recommendation to the Senate regarding the confirmation or rejection of Presidential nominations; and updating and enforcing all governing documents during the fall Legislative Convention. Committee members also make sure the Senate adheres to these governing materials. If the committee identifies any actions or decisions that are not in alignment with the Constitution and Bylaws, they will bring the issue to the attention of the Senate, and corrective action will be taken.
Student Involvement Committee

The Student Involvement Committee is responsible for overseeing and actively engaging in student life at Idaho State University. This includes organizing and supporting student-led events such as tailgates, Lunch with ASISU, and major student activities like Parents Weekend, Welcome Week, Homecoming, and Spring Fest. The committee works closely with ISU departments to ensure ASISU is well-represented at these events and throughout student life. Key responsibilities include interacting with and representing outreach campuses, promoting diversity and inclusion, and engaging with students through events and activities regardless of their campus location. The committee also coordinates with the Director of Public Relations, who attends at least two meetings per month to help manage ASISU's social media presence. One member of the committee is assigned to work with KISU on maintaining the ROAR Report.
Health, Wellness and Sustainability Committee
The Health, Wellness and Sustainability Committee works to enhance students' mental, physical, and environmental health through programs and initiatives that promote sustainable practices and mental wellness. Among the activities are planning wellness seminars, supporting environmentally friendly campus regulations, holding stress-relieving activities, providing mental health resources, and encouraging students to adopt sustainable lifestyles. The committee hopes to integrate sustainability and health into the student experience by working with local groups and university departments, creating a welcoming and equitable environment for all.