Faculty Research Support From the ISU Office of Research Development
This fall, ISU launched the Office of Research Development. Research development supports the growth of university-based research and creative scholarship.
According to the National Organization for Research Development Professionals, “Research Development encompasses a set of strategic, catalytic, and capacity-building activities that advance research, especially in higher education. Research Development professionals help researchers become more successful communicators, grant writers, and advocates for their research. They help researchers bring new ideas to life. Research Development professionals also serve their institutions. They create services and resources that transcend disciplinary and administrative barriers and create programs to spur discovery.”
At ISU, the goal of research development is to advance the culture of research and creative scholarship across the ISU community. Research includes discovery and innovation in the sciences and engineering, scholarship in the humanities, as well as creative works and performances in the arts. To achieve this goal, the ISU Office of Research Development will primarily offer two types of support to faculty and staff involved in research: direct support for preparing proposals and strategic activities to enhance grantsmanship.
Examples of Direct Proposal Support
Examples of Direct Proposal Support: Working with faculty to identify funding opportunities, help with identifying collaborators and building teams, individual faculty training, support navigating the grant lifecycle, reviewing solicitations, tailoring projects to specific funding opportunities, and increasing the capacity of faculty to identify and win grants.
Examples of Strategic Activities
Developing and hosting workshops, identifying and creating resources for researchers, working to align research projects with strategic institutional priorities, working with partners to increase grant opportunities, and expanding relationships with funders.
The Office of Research Development works collaboratively with the Office of Sponsored Programs and Support. The Office of Sponsored Programs and Support is an essential part of grant seeking at ISU, and they continue to support faculty in navigating the requirements of funding solicitations, developing project budgets, ensuring compliance before and after an award is made, and so much more! Research development is a complimentary service available to grantseekers.
To work with the Office of Research Development, please reach out to Dr. Amy Wuest (amywuest@isu.edu). If you would like to receive direct support on a project, please contact Dr. Wuest as soon as possible. The Office of Research Development will try to accommodate these requests as deadlines and availability allow.