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ISU Physics Department Colloquium Schedulecolloquium

Fall 2005    Schedule

Aug. 22 Radiation Safety Training
Aug. 29 Dr. Barry Parker, Professor Emeritus, ISU Physics, 2005: The Centenial of Einstein's "Miracle Year"
Sept. 5 Labor Day, No Colloquium
Sept. 12 Dr. Doug Wells, Dr. Alan Hunt, and Dr. Richard Brey, ISU Physics Research Summaries
Sept. 19 Dr. Philip Cole, Dr. Eddie Tatar, and Dr. Kara Keeter, ISU Physics Research Summaries
Sept. 26 Dr. Eduardo Farfan, ISU Physics, Internal Dosimetry
Oct. 3 Dr. Stephen Turcotte, Brigham Young University Idaho, Wind Energy in
Southeastern Idaho
Oct. 10 Dr. Vesselin Dimitrov, Idaho Accelerator Center, The Case for a Solid Phase Model of the Nucleus
Oct. 17 Dr. Richard Ingebretsen, MD, Ph.D, University of Utah, High Velocity Injury
Oct. 24 Dr. John Sohl, Weber State University, The Physics of Hypothermia, Hyperthermia and Other Outdoor Problems
Oct. 26 Dr. Masaharu Aoki, Osaka University, Japan, PRISM/PRIME
Advanced Muon Beam and the Experimental Search for Coherent µ-e Conversion with Sensitivity to the Branching Fraction of 10-18
Oct. 31 Dr. James Popp, ISU Physics, MECO & PRISM/PRIME: Experimental Searches for Coherent µ-e Conversion with Sensitivity at least 10-17
Nov. 7 Dr. Hugh M. McIlroy, Idaho National LaboratoryA Large Matched Index of Refraction Flow Facility for Laser Doppler Anemometry and Particle Image Velocimetry Studies Around Complex Geometries
Nov. 14 Dr. Joan Gibson, University of New Mexico, Ethics in the Professions and Research
Nov. 21 Thanksgiving Break, No Colloquium
Nov. 28 Dr. William Hiscock, Montana State University, Beyond Einstein: Quantum Gravity and Dark Energy
Dec. 5 Dr. Kenneth Telschow, Idaho National Laboratory, Taking Optical Interferometry out of the Laboratory through Nonlinear Electro-Optics
Jan. 9 Dr. Jaret Heise,  Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, Solar Neutrino Studies at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Jan. 16 Martin Luther King Day, No Colloquium
Jan. 23 Dr. Kara KeeterISU Physics, Mining for Neutrinos with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Jan. 30 Siri Oswald, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation, International Funding of Scientific Research
Feb. 6 Dr. Robert Hackenburg, Brookhaven National Lab, A Search for the Singlet Deuteron
Feb. 13 No Colloquium
Feb. 20 President's Day, No Colloquium
Feb. 23 Dr. Lin Shao, Los Alamos National Laboratory,  Recent developments in ion beam modification and ion beam analysis of materials
Feb. 27 Dr. Ward Moody, Brigham young University, Testing the Standard Model of AGN
Mar. 2 Dr. Mircea Chipara, Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, Radiation-Induced Modifications in Materials and Nanomaterials
Mar. 6 No Colloquium
Mar. 13 Dr. Katherine Chandler, Laboratory of Plasma Studies Cornell University, Spectroscopic Measurements from the X-ray bursts of 4-wire Manganin X-pinches
Mar. 14 Dr. Marc Mitchell, Laboratory of Plasma Studies Cornell University, The X pinch, an Extraordinary X-ray Source and High-Energy-Density Plasma
Mar. 20 Dr. Albert Young, North Carolina State University, Probing Fundamental Physics with Ultracold Neutrons: Following the Bouncing Ball
Mar. 21 Dr. Bulent Sencer, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Neutron, High-energy Proton and Low-energy Proton Irradiation Damage in Metals
Mar. 23 Dr. Tony Forest, Louisiana Tech University, Strange Quarks in the Proton and Quark-Hadron Duality
Mar. 27 No Colloquium
Apr. 3 Dr. Dan Dale, University of Kentucky, A Precision Measurement of the Neutral Pion Lifetime: Pushing the Limits of Confinement Scale QCD
Apr. 10 Dr. Lawrence Rees, Brigham young University, Proton-beam Analysis of Lichens
Apr. 13 Dr. Gary Glass, University of Louisiana, High Energy Focused Ion Beams: New Tools for the Nano Era
Apr. 17 Dr. Bart Czirr, Brigham young University, Detectors for Homeland Security Applications
Apr. 20 Dr. Jeff Martoff, Temple University, Big Bang Relics and Applied Technology
Apr. 24 Colloquium Canceled
Apr. 27 Dr. Paulo Rios, University of São Paulo, The IFSUP Microtron Project
May 1 Colloquium Canceled

Unless specifically mentioned, all talks will be at 4:00 pm on Mondays in PS 132.

contact: shropshi@physics.isu.edu
Last modified 4/26/2006