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File Lister

Grabs files from a folder in the media library and displays them as a list of links.

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Fields and options

Supplies a name for the list of 'content in this section'. It is for internal purposes only.

Main Media Category Item
Select the first file from the media folder where you have upload files for this purpose.

Sort Method
Alphabetical by file name (not the media library name)
Calendar year (the file name must begin with the date fromatted as MM-DD-YY)
Newest to oldest
Oldest to newest
Reverse alphabetical by file name

Display Sub Categories
If you have a child folder under your main folder, choosing yes will also display links to the files in the child folder.
Typically, your choice will be No.

Using the file lister

Create a Media folder

Click on the action button of an existing media folder and choose Create child category

Screenshot of media folder action menu

Give the folder a name and save it.


Upload files to the new folder

The files must all be of the same type, i.e. all pdfs, all word docs.


In the content type, choose the first file in the new folder when selecting Main Media Category Item