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SBOE/NWCCU Program Changes

State Program Proposals and Letters of Notification

Idaho State Board of Education (SBOE) and the North West Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) each provide policies regarding the processes required for particular types of changes to academic programs and program components. These guidelines provide information to guide faculty in the preparation of materials for submission to the SBOE. 

Program proposals are governed by Board Policy III.G.  The following descriptions are meant as general guidance for quick reference on the type of proposal forms required for various actions, and whether full SBOE approval is required.  Please consult Board Policy III.G for full details and requirements.

Any new programs, undergraduate and graduate, with a fiscal impact of $250,000 or more per fiscal year require full SBOE review and approval.  

Generally, OSBE's Executive Director can approve new programs under $250,000 fiscal impact per year, and certificates, modifications to existing programs (expansion, consolidation, addition of certificates or degrees, etc.) even if the fiscal impact is $250,000 or more per year.  

New Doctoral program proposals require an external peer review, regardless of fiscal impact.  According to SBOE Policy III.G.3.a.i.2)a., the external peer-review panel consists of at least two (2) members not affiliated with public Idaho institutions who are selected by OSBE's Executive Director or designee, and the requesting institution's [ISU's] Chief Academic Officer [i.e., Provost].  OSBE staff shall notify ISU in writing whether it may proceed with the external peer-review process.  The review shall consist of a paper and on-site peer review, followed by the issuance of a report and recommendations by the panel.  The institution will provide the panel with a template developed by OSBE's Executive Director or designee.  The peer review report and recommendations shall be a significant factor in SBOE's evaluation of the program.

Program Fees:  

All program fees (professional fee, online program fee, etc.) must be approved by BAHR and SBOE. (Policy III.G.3.a.i.4 and 5)

  • New program with academic program fees (e.g., professional fees or online program fees) as defined in Board Policy Section V.R.
  • Adding program fees to existing programs requires full Board approval consistent with Board Policy Section V.R; however, such changes do not require submission of a Full Proposal.
    • An SBOE Cover Page, Fee Justification narrative, and Budget forms are required for program fees.  
NWCCU Substantive Changes:

Most program proposals and Letters of Notification will require Academic Affairs to notify NWCCU of the changes once SBOE or OSBE approval is obtained.  In most cases, NWCCU does not need to approve the changes, only accept the changes entered by Academic Affairs through their Substantive Change Portal. For more information, please refer to NWCCU Substantive Change Policy  For a comprehensive explanation of Substantive Change Categories and the level of review or approval required for each category, please see NWCCU's Substantive Change Manual.

Requesting State Proposals and Fees:

ISU's state proposal and fee request process mirrors that of UCC's proposal process in that you request your proposal by completing this online request form, which populates the current State Proposal Tracking Sheet.  Within a few days you should receive a link to the Google Doc form(s) you will need to complete for your program change.  The process is detailed on Academic Affairs website, under Institutional Effectiveness and Initiatives / Program Proposals and Program Fees.

Request a state proposal form
FALL 2024 SBOE Proposal Submission Deadlines: (internal catalog and state proposals are due at least 3 weeks earlier to ensure timely approval!)
  • September 24, 2024 for December SBOE meeting
  • December 17, 2024 for February SBOE meeting
Guidance Documents from SBOE:

Contact Catherine Read in Academic Affairs at ext. 4956 for guidance on the state proposal process and answers to your questions about your proposal.

FULL PROGRAM PROPOSALS are needed in the following circumstances:

  • Establishment of any new academic undergraduate or graduate program 
    • All doctoral program proposals shall require an external peer review, regardless of financial impact (for details, see Policy III.G.3.a.i.2)a).
    • New educator preparation programs require concurrent submission of a Full Proposal to OSBE and to the Professional Standards Commission (PSC), regardless of financial impact (Policy III.G.3.a.i.2)b).
  • New applied baccalaureate program (BAS degree) (Policy III.G.3.a.i.3)).  BAS degrees are considered by OSBE to be academic programs, not CTE programs.
  • Discontinuation of an academic undergraduate or graduate program or instructional or administrative unit (requires Discontinuance proposal form)
  • New unit: establishment of a new instructional or administrative unit (requires New Unit proposal form)
  • Certificates:  establishment of any new or discontinuance of any existing academic undergraduate or graduate certificates consisting of more than 30 credits and with a financial impact of $250,000 or more per fiscal year.
  • Expansion of an existing program outside the Designated Service Region as defined in Board Policy III.Z
  • Conversion of a program option into a stand-alone program with a financial impact of $250,000 or more per fiscal year.
  • Consolidation of two or more undergraduate programs into one undergraduate program with a financial impact of $250,000 or more per fiscal year.
  • Consolidation of two or more graduate programs into one program.
  • Splitting of a graduate program into two or more programs.
  • Addition of certificates or degrees to existing programs with a financial impact of $250,000 or more per fiscal year.

Each Full proposal shall be reviewed by the Council on Academic Affairs and Programs (CAAP) within 30 days of receipt by the Board Office (OSBE).  OSBE's Executive Director or designee may either approve the proposal, or refer it to the full SBOE for review and approval.  


SHORT PROGRAM PROPOSALS are needed in the following circumstances, and require approval by OSBE's Executive Director or designee:

  1. Establishment of a new or discontinuation of any existing academic undergraduate or graduate certificate consisting of more than 30 credits with a financial impact of less than $250,000 per fiscal year.
  2. Addition of a certificate or degree to an existing program with a financial impact of less than $250,000 per fiscal year.
  3. Splitting of an undergraduate program into two or more undergraduate programs.
  4. Consolidation of two or more undergraduate programs into one undergraduate program with a financial impact of less than $250,000 per fiscal year.
  5. Conversion of one program option into a stand-alone program with a financial impact of less than $250,000 per fiscal year.
  6. Conversion or transition of a degree type (e.g., Bachelor of Arts to Bachelor of Science).
  7. Conversion or transition of a certificate type (e.g., Technical Certificate of Completion to Basic Technical Certificate).
  8. Deviation from program credit definitions.
  9. Name changes:  Changes to program names or degree titles related to Statewide Program Responsibilities as defined in Policy III.Z. (Requires full SBOE approval).
  10. Establishment of new programs consisting of multiple certificates with similar coursework.
  11. Establishment of a dual degree from existing programs with a financial impact of less than $250,000 per fiscal year.
  12. Modification to existing academic instructional or administrative units (e.g. name changes, departmental splits or consolidations, etc.).

At the sole discretion of OSBE's Executive Director or designee, institutions may be required to submit a Full Proposal for any action described in this subsection.


 LETTERS of NOTIFICATION are needed in the following circumstances (Board Policy III.G.3.c):

Subsequent to institutional review and consistent with institutional policies, and within 30 days after implementation, institutions shall notify OSBE's Executive Director or designee of the following actions related to academic programs or units via a Letter of Notification:

  1. Newmodification to, or discontinuation of an academic program component (e.g. minor, option, emphasis, etc.)
  2. Establishment of a new or discontinuation of any existing academic undergraduate or graduate certificate consisting of fewer than 30 credits.
  3. Program expansion within the Service Region as defined in Board Policy III.Z
  4. A change from clock hours to credit hours for an academic program.
  5. Addition of an online option to an existing academic program
  6. Transition of an academic program with less than 50% of courses offered online exclusively to 50% or more of courses offered online exclusively.
  7. Transition of an academic program to an exclusively online format.
  8. Addition or removal of courses that represent a significant departure from existing academic program offerings or method of delivery. (ISU defines "significant departure" as 25% or more of the program's curriculum requirements).
  9. Name changes: A change in name or title of any academic program or instructional or administrative unit.
  10. change of Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code for any academic program.
  11. credit change to any existing academic program.

Minor changes to curriculum, descriptions of individual courses, or catalog listings do not require notification to or approval by SBOE or OSBE.  


Requests for changes to Career Technical programs or units identified in this subsection require approval by the State Administrator of Idaho Division of Career Technical Education (IDCTE) and the OSBE Executive Director.

FULL PROGRAM PROPOSALS are needed in the following circumstances (Board Policy III.G.4.a):

  1. Establishment of a new Career Technical Education (CTE) program or certificate.  New CTE programs or certificates with a financial impact of $250,000 or more per fiscal year require approval by the full SBOE.
  2. Discontinuation of Career Technical programs and components.
  3. Establishment of new Career Technical administrative or instructional units.
  4. Expansion of a Career Technical program outside the Designated Service Region as defined by Board Policy III.Z
  5. Consolidation of two or more Career Technical programs into one Career Technical program with a financial impact of $250,000 or more per fiscal year.
  6. Conversion of one Career Technical program option into a stand-alone Career Technical program with a financial impact of $250,000 or more per fiscal year.
  7. Addition of Career Technical certificates or degrees to existing Career Technical programs with a financial impact of $250,000 or more per fiscal year.

For new or modified Career Technical programs or certificates, a Program Profile Attachment B form is required.  Each Full Proposal shall be reviewed by the Council on Academic Affairs and Programs (CAAP) within 30 days of receipt by the Board Office (OSBE).  At the sole discretion of the IDCTE State Administrator or OSBE Executive Director or designee, any Full Proposal may be referred to the full SBOE for review and approval.


SHORT FORM PROGRAM PROPOSALS are needed in the following circumstances (Board Policy III.G.4.b):

  1. Splitting of a Career Technical program into two or more Career Technical programs.
  2. Consolidation of two or more Career Technical programs into one Career Technical program with a financial impact of less than $250,000 per fiscal year.
  3. Conversion of one Career Technical program option into a stand-alone Career Technical program with a financial impact of less than $250,000 per fiscal year.
  4. Addition of Career Technical certificates or degrees to existing Career Technical programs with a financial impact of less than $250,000 per fiscal year.
  5. Inactivation of a Career Technical program.  Inactivation allows program re-evaluation and assessment in response to rapid changes in industry for up to three (3) years.  If industry demand for the program does not resume within three (3) years following approved inactivation, the program shall be discontinued pursuant to paragraph 7 of this policy.
  6. Addition or removal of courses that represent a significant departure from existing Career Technical program offerings or method of delivery. (ISU defines "significant departure" as 25% or more)
  7. Modification to existing Career Technical instructional or administrative units.
  8. Conversion or transition of one Career Technical program degree or certificate level to another degree or certificate level (e.g. change from BTC to ITC).
  9. Transition of a Career Technical program to an exclusively online format.
  10. Addition of an online option to an existing Career Technical program.
  11. Transition of a Career Technical program with less than 50% of courses offered exclusively online to 50% or more of courses offered exclusively online.  


LETTERS of NOTIFICATION are needed in the following circumstances (Board Policy III.G.4.c):

Subsequent to institutional review and consistent with institutional policies, and within 30 days after implementation, institutions shall notify the IDCTE State Administrator and the the OSBE Executive Director or designee of the following change to Career Technical (CTE) programs or units via a Letter of Notification:

  1. Establishment of a new, modification to, or discontinuation of a Career Technical program component.
  2. Career Technical program expansion within the Designated Service Region as defined in Board Policy III.Z.
  3. A change from clock hours to credit hours for a Career Technical program.
  4. A change in the name or title of any Career Technical program or instructional or administrative unit.
  5. A change of Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code for any Career Technical program.
  6. A credit change to an existing Career Technical program.
  7. Minor changes to Career Technical courses.  Requires a Program Profile Attachment B and Letter.

Upon the recommendation of the IDCTE State Administrator or at the discretion of the OSBE Executive Director or designee, institutions may be required to submit a Short Proposal or Full Proposal for any action described in this subsection.



Requests to establish, modify, or discontinue a micro-certification, as defined in Board Policy III.E, require approval by the IDCTE State Administrator in accordance with a template developed by the Division of Career Technical Education.


Sunset Clause and Program Discontinuance Considerations


SUNSET CLAUSE (Board Policy III.G.5)

Academic and Career Technical programs approved by SBOE or OSBE's Executive Director must be implemented within five (5) years of the approval date.  If not officially implemented within that 5-year timeframe, the OSBE Executive Director or designee must be informed in writing, and an updated proposal will be required to be submitted and approved. 

If a program's implementation will be delayed, institutions may request a change in the sunset timeframe indicated in the original program proposal.  



Please refer to Board Policy III.G.7 and 8 for details on teach-out plans for students currently enrolled and faculty and staff employed in programs slated for discontinuance.