Undergraduate Curriculum Council (UCC)

About the Undergraduate Curriculum Council (UCC)
The Undergraduate Curriculum Council (UCC) at Idaho State University exercises, at the University level, the faculty's primary responsibility for the fundamental area of undergraduate curricula, ensuring the quality and appropriateness of undergraduate courses and undergraduate degree programs offered by Idaho State University. The UCC reports to the Faculty Senate. The UCC's approval is required for all curricular and program changes that are to appear in the Undergraduate Catalog. The UCC's functions include, but are not limited to:
- The approval of changes to undergraduate curricula, courses, and academic requirements;
- The coordination of these curricular changes among the academic units and divisions of the university;
- Continued evaluation and updating of the Undergraduate Catalog as the council approves changes to the curricula, courses, and academic requirements;
- Identification of potential confusion with, or the dilution of, existing programs, courses, and degrees due to the proposed title of a new program, course, or degree;
- Prevention of duplication with existing programs, courses, or degrees;
- Detection of possible conflict with accrediting standards applying to existing programs, courses, and degrees.
UCC Chair Announcements
August 16, 2024
Dear Faculty and staff,
As the Curriculum Council gets underway, and we are in the "busy" season of proposals, I wanted to provide some reminders about some deadlines and important information to share.
UCC reminders:
- Undergraduate Curriculum Proposals are due on Friday, October 20 to be considered for the 2025-2026 catalog. Special accommodations may be based on UCC administrative and Academic Affairs review.
- Use the link to complete a UCC proposal request and read the instructions on the Getting Started page of the UCC website. There is a video tutorial, sample proposals, etc. Also, please utilize your UCC representative to assist with any questions. Please consider this checklist when completing the proposal and made sure to have everything completed on the form to speed up processing.
- All proposals are created on Google Docs, and editing access will be given to all relevant parties.
- You may always comment in Google Docs with any questions, or reach out to parties that may need to be involved. Once the document is complete, it will go to UCC's administrative assistant for processing, then on to UCC for consideration and approval. After UCC's approval, editing and commenting access will be turned off for everyone except authorized staff in the Registrar's Office and Academic Affairs to protect the integrity of the proposal content. The Registrar's Office will enter the changes into the catalog under production.
- UCC Minutes are reviewed and accepted by Faculty Senate, Associate Deans, and sometimes Deans. The Registrar's Office and Academic Affairs are the final individuals that clear curriculum proposals for entry into the catalog after approval by UCC.
- SBOE has implemented new timelines for receiving agenda items for upcoming SBOE meetings, including state proposals that have to be approved by the full State Board. This change means we have to complete and approve internally both the corresponding catalog proposals (graduate and undergraduate as appropriate) and the state proposal at least a few days before the SBOE submission deadline. Please plan on submitting your catalog and state proposals requiring SBOE approval as early as possible this semester to meet the December SBOE deadline, preferably by September 5, 2024.
- December SBOE meeting materials must be received by the Board Office no later than September 24, 2024
- February SBOE meeting materials must be received by the Board Office no later than December 17, 2024
- December SBOE meeting materials must be received by the Board Office no later than September 24, 2024
- If you have questions about state proposals, undergraduate curriculum proposals, or any other questions, please feel free to reach out to Catherine Read in Academic Affairs, and she can assist you. (wallcath@isu.edu or uccmail@isu.edu, or xt. 4956).
I look forward to working with all of you, and if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
Thank you,
Wesley Usyak, CPhT, M.Ed.Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Council
Program Coordinator/Clinical Senior Instructor
College of Technology-Health Occupations
Roy F. Christensen Room 150921 South 8th Ave., Stop 8380
Pocatello, ID 83209-8380
(208) 282-4142 mobile: 208-269-6105 fax: 208-282-3975 wesleyusyak@isu.edu