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ISU News: University News


Curator Akersten to be featured on National Geographic Channel sabertoothed cat program Aug. 19

August 16, 2007

ISU students gain experience in broadcasting

August 16, 2007

ISU announces in-person registration for fall payment

August 10, 2007

Submissions sought for Brassiere Bazaar, Breast Cancer Awareness Month Art Walk

August 10, 2007

President Vailas signs contract for Enterprise Applications System

August 10, 2007

Bengal Dancers earn awards at national camp

August 10, 2007

Theatre/Dance ISU to hold joint auditions for fall productions on Aug. 29

August 8, 2007

ISU announces in-person registration for fall payment

August 8, 2007

Owens awarded $394,000 grant that promotes ISU’s global reputation

August 8, 2007

Rendezvous Complex dedication scheduled Aug. 30

August 8, 2007