Pre-Professional Certificate Program Application Instructions
We offer our Pre-Professional Certificate Program at both Pocatello and Meridian campuses and also offer the program online. The CSD Intent Form is required for all new students wanting to enroll in the Pre-Professional Certificate Program. Please follow the instructions and provide all information on the CSD Intent Form.
Steps to Apply
1) Apply to Idaho State University.
- Complete application, pay the application fee, and submit all official college/university transcripts. Under ‘Enrollment Info-Academic Program’, select Comm Sciences/Disorders (Pre-Professional Certificate), under ‘Student Type’ select Post Bacc, under ‘Concentration’ select Pre-Speech or Pre-Audiology.
Note: A bachelor's degree is not awarded upon completion of the Pre-Professional Certificate course sequence.
- Send all college transcripts to the undergrad office at ISU. All transcripts must be official and mailed directly from your institution to ISU.
Idaho State University, Admissions
921 So. 8th Ave.
Mail Stop 8270
Pocatello, ID 83209-8270
2) Complete CSD Intent Form
Questions regarding the Pre-Professional Certificate Programs:
Online program: Contact Donna Parker at or 208-373-1942.
Campus programs: Contact Hannah Emmett at or 208-373-1908.