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Photo from 2017 health fair, woman talking to two women at a booth.

2019 ISU Health Fair features Idaho’s “Cowboy Ninja” Lance Pekus, live presentations, food demonstrations, booths and more

February 11, 2019

Annual Health Fair to be held March 7 – 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Pond Student Union Ballroom

Five Seasons poster announcing time, date, etc.

“Five Seasons”  film and discussion on urban landscaping to benefit birds, wildlife set Feb. 21 at ISU

February 11, 2019

POCATELLO – A free screening of the film  “Five Seasons: The Gardens of Oudolf” and a panel discussion on how institutions and individuals in Pocatello can landscape to benefit wildlife will be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 21 in the Idaho State University Pond Student Union Wood River Room.

Poster for concert featuring female singer in foreground, other singers in background.

ISU Choirs to host Mid-Winter Concert on Feb. 15

February 8, 2019

POCATELLO – The Idaho State University Choirs will host their Mid-Winter Concert on Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Jensen Grand Concert Hall in the L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center.

Human Resources Offering On-Demand Excel Courses

February 8, 2019

Free flu shots and basic physical exams offered at ISU/Ada County Health Screening Feb. 14

February 5, 2019

MERIDIAN – Free flu shots while supplies last, basic physical and dental exams, and onsite testing for blood sugar levels and cholesterol are included in free services offered at a free community health screening Thursday, Feb. 14, 4-7 p.m., at First Baptist Church, 607 N. 13th St., in Boise.

Seeking Faculty Associates for Program for Instructional Effectiveness

February 4, 2019

FAC code dialing announcement

February 4, 2019

College of Arts & Letters Environmental Social Science Faculty Candidate Research Seminars

February 4, 2019

Psychology Professor and Recent Alum Publish Article on Childhood Sexual Abuse and Suicidal Ideation

February 4, 2019

Dr. Shannon Lynch and Dr. Chris DeCou, a recent graduate of the ISU Clinical Psychology PhD program, published a paper in the journal Child Abuse & Neglect documenting increased risk of suicidal ideation in inpatient adolescents with a history of childhood sexual abuse.

Employment Opportunities

February 4, 2019