
LaVona Andrew Carson
CSD Dept. Associate Chair
Clinical Associate Professor
Office: Meridian Health Science Center Room 810C
B.S. in Teaching Social Science, 2001, Brigham Young University
A.A. in Liberal Arts, 1995, Cottey College
Professional Areas of Interest: Impact of credential requirements on qualifications and availability of interpreters, heritage signers as interpreters, interpreter impact on Deaf people's quality of life, system-level improvements in interpreting service delivery
Personal Interests/Hobbies: Interpreting, gardening, adventuring

Curt Radford, Ed.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Office: Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Room 330C
M.Ed. in Deaf Education, 2002, Utah State University
BA. in Physical Education/History, 2000, Utah State University
Professional Areas of Interest: How American Sign Language gives Deaf children an opportunity to succeed in all aspects of their life including reading, writing, and learning how to navigate in a hearing world. Teaching American Sign Language as a 1st and 2nd language and improving communication barriers in the education system.
Personal Interests/Hobbies: Teacher Training, ASL Linguistics, gardening, anything related to outdoors.

Elizabeth Schniedewind, Ed.D.
Clinical Associate Professor
Office: Meridian Health Science Center Room 819A
Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, 2020, Boise State University
B.A. in English/Secondary Education, 1990, Gallaudet University
Professional Areas of Interest: Health communication inequities experienced by Deaf users of ASL; self-guided interpreting skill techniques; program evaluation and ethical considerations for interpreters.
Personal Interests/Hobbies: Spending time with my family, camping, building projects, small animal husbandry.

Steven G Stubbs, CDI
Sign Language Program Director
Clinical Assistant Professor
Office: Meridian Health Science Center Room 810A
B.A. in Computer Science with an emphasis in Mathematics, 1997, University of Maryland - College Park
Professional Areas of Interest: American Sign Language, interpreting on international level, interpreting in legal setting, interpreting at conference, performance art interpreting, ethical consideration for interpreters, mentoring, translating
Personal Interests/Hobbies: My family, reading, traveling, leadership service, building projects, technologies