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Cost of Attendance 2024-2025

Class fees Fall 2024 Class Fees Listing
eISU fees Fall 2024 eISU Class Fees

[Note - Fees Listing subject to change as per Fee Assessment for the term]

Class fees Spring 2025 Class Fees Listing
eISU fees Spring 2025 eISU Class Fees

[Note - Fees Listing subject to change as per Fee Assessment for the term]



Athletic Nonresident Fee Waivers

  • Awarded by the Athletic Department

General Nonresident Fee Waivers

  • Awarded by the Scholarship Office on a competitive basis to students in eligible programs.
  • Awarded by the Financial Aid Office coordinated with federal financial aid.
  • eISU Nonresident Tuition Waivers are awarded to students in approved eISU fully online programs (program must be listed here: eISU Online Programs) who are taking all online courses. For more information about eISU waivers, contact Jody Finnegan at (208) 282-4293 or email finnjody@isu.edu.

Graduate Assistant Nonresident Fee Waivers

  • Awarded to graduate teaching or research assistants.

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)

Students from the 15 WICHE states may be eligible for adjustments to the nonresident portion of fees. ISU participates in the following programs:

  • Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) - Graduate students in eligible programs receive nonresident fee waivers. Identify your WICHE state as you apply to one of the eligible participating programs offered at ISU.
  • Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) - Receive support from your home state to participate in qualifying programs in health professions. ISU offers Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, and Physician Assistant programs through PSEP. Certification is through your home state and the WICHE office.

Students are expected to pay tuition and fees or enroll in a payment plan by the due date, regardless of receipt of bill or financial aid availability. If you have any questions or difficulty please call Student Financial Services at (208) 282-3000.

  • $50 if tuition and fees are not paid by the due date, generally the Friday before classes start. Fees for classes starting later in the semester are due on the first day of class.
  • Additional $50 after the tenth day of the classes. Additional late fees will be charged for each month in which fee payment is not complete.
  • $50 per month if fees have not been paid in full yet for the semester.

Financial aid disbursement is typically processed up to 10 days before the start of classes for the fall and spring semesters, and up to 5 days before summer classes begin. Refunds will be delivered via eRefund or by mail. For billing, financial aid, and online payment information, please refer to MyISU. All refunds are processed in Pocatello, with eRefunds deposited electronically or checks mailed to the address on file. 


Idaho State University students may opt out of fees that support student clubs and organizations. This fee is $4.50/semester for full-time students and $.45/credit hour for part-time students. To opt out of this fee, please complete Student Clubs and Organizations Fee Opt-Out Form and bring a signed, printed copy to the Cashier’s Office located on the 3rd floor of the Administration Building no later than the 10th day of classes. This form needs to be completed for each registration term.