Title IX
If you have been a victim of...
- Sexual assault
- Sexual harassment
- Domestic/dating violence
- Stalking
- Sex-based discrimination
- Pregnancy discrimination
...We are here to help.
ISU is committed to providing a safe educational and work environment. As a university community, we value compassion and the safety of all employees and students. Sex- and gender- based discrimination (including sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, and stalking) limit access to education and work opportunities. ISU will follow the guidelines set forth in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to stop, remedy, and prevent negative effects of sex- and gender-based discrimination.
ISU is dedicated to ensuring a prompt, effective, and compassionate response to any report of sex- or gender-based discrimination. To report possible discrimination, ask questions, or communicate concerns, contact Ian Parker, ISU Title IX Coordinator at 208-282-1439.
To report online, use the secure online incident form
Current Campaign
Find out more information about the current Title IX campaign below.