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Contact Us

For housing inquiries, billing questions or other information, please contact:

University Housing
1245 Red Hill Road (Dyer Hall)
Pocatello, Idaho 83201

Phone: (208) 282-2120

Schedule a residence hall housing tour for (Rendezvous, South, and Turner).

University Housing Staff

Melissa Millican
Director, University Housing
Office Phone: (208) 282-2120
Email: melissamillican@isu.edu

Bobby Arteaga
Associate Director, University Housing
Office Phone: (208) 282-2120
Email: bobbyarteaga@isu.edu

Janie Rodriquez
Custodial Foreman
Office Phone: (208) 282-2120
Email: janierodriquez@isu.edu

Matt Olsen
Maintenance and Operations Supervisor
Office Phone  (208) 282-2120
Email: olsemath@isu.edu

Rendezvous Hall Resident Director
Wesley Jorgensen
Office Phone: (208) 282-3699
Email: wesleyjorgensen@isu.edu

South Complex Hall Resident Director
Brandon Gomez
Office Phone: (208) 282-4048
Email: brandongomez@isu.edu

Turner Hall Resident Director
Jayden Parker
Office Phone: (208) 282-4080
Email: jaydenparker@isu.edu

Apartment Building Managers

Payton Chavez
Ridge Crest Building Manager
Cell Phone: (208) 427-5264

Jada Anderson
Pulling Courts and West Campus Building Manager
Cell Phone: (208) 681-8578
Email: jadaanderson@isu.edu

Miriam Province
McIntosh Building Manager
Cell Phone: (208) 221-9849
Email: miriamprovince@isu.edu

Prem Shah
University Courts Building Manager
Cell Phone: (208) 221-0201
Email: premshah@isu.edu

Christopher Zuck & Tanner Hester
Schubert Heights Building Manager
Cell Phone: (208) 339-0141
Email: christopherzuck@isu.edu & tannerhester@isu.edu