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Dr. Deirdre Caputo-Levine

What is Terrorism? What Groups Use It? Why?

This talk is an introduction to the concept of terrorism and the study of terrorism as a social phenomenon. It will include a discussion of different definitions of terrorism, the categorization of different types of terrorism and the ways in which we respond to terrorist activities. We will also discuss the ways in which we can use social science to study terrorism.

The Yard-Face: How Does Prison Life Impact Our Neighborhoods?

This talk is an examination of prison life and prisoner reentry. We will start by trying to explain the finding that, after a certain point, higher rates of incarceration seem to increase crime rates. We will then address the embodiment of the prison and use the prison to investigate the ways in which we all come to embody the institutions which we occupy.

What is Juvenile Delinquency? Who are Delinquents?

What is delinquency? Who determines whether a particular behavior is delinquent? What are the implications of being labeled delinquent? How can we think about addressing delinquency using restorative justice? This talk will tackle the issues surrounding the concept of juvenile delinquency. Students will be presented with examples of youth involved in delinquency and will try to develop an understanding of why the youth may have committed delinquent acts and work together to develop interventions.

State Standards

These presentations meet the following state education standards for high school students:

Social Studies

U.S. History II

9-12.USH2.4.4.1 Trace the development and expansion of political, civil, and economic rights.


American Government

9-12.G.3.2.1 Analyze the economic impact of government policy.

9-12.G.4.4.1 Analyze the struggles for the extension of civil rights.

9-12.G.5.1.1 Discuss the mutual impact of ideas, issues, and policies among nations, including environmental, economic, and humanitarian.


World History and Civilization

6-9.WHC.1.9.3 Discuss how religion influenced social behavior and created social order.

6-9.WHC.1.9.4 Describe why different religious beliefs were sources of conflict.