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Repeatedly Touching Your Classmate

There's this guy, Markus, in my new Physics class who is acting very creepy. He will come up behind me and touch me on my back and shoulders. He also gets very close when we have to pass each other. I have repeatedly told him to stop because it makes me uncomfortable. Markus usually laughs and says that I’m reading too much into things and that he’s like this with everyone. I try to avoid being alone with him. I would like to drop the class but I need it to graduate on time.

Sexual Harassment

At college, there are many people from different backgrounds interacting with each other. Some people may be used to touching folks when interacting with them, while others may be uncomfortable with physical touch. It is important to be mindful of others’ comfort levels, because they may be different from yours. Minimizing the discomfort they may feel at your actions in the classroom creates an environment where they cannot equally enjoy the University resources. Repeated conduct that is not welcomed by a person that continues to the point of the person feeling unable to attend class (like in this example) is sexual harassment and violates Section XIII.E.4.b of Title IX.


If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual harassment, help is available.

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