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TRIO Educational Access Program Ready to Assist Students on Move-In Day

August 14, 2023

Recognizing the challenges students face during the first few days of college, TRIO Educational Access program staff will be meeting with students all day on Aug. 16, move-in day,  helping them find their classes, obtain their books, and tackle FAFSA and financial aid questions.

On Move-In Day,  Wednesday, August 16, staff with the TRIO Educational Access program will meet students in the Eli Oboler Library between 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. 

Navigating a new campus and understanding the class registration process can be overwhelming, so TRIO's experienced advisors will be available to guide students through this process, ensuring they are registered for the right courses to kick-start their academic pursuits successfully and finding those classes.

TRIO also recognizes the financial challenges of pursuing higher education, so they will be ready to help students with FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and financial aid-related questions, ready to provide the necessary information and guidance to ensure students make informed decisions about their financial support options.

Finally, acquiring course materials is a crucial aspect of a successful first day at ISU. TRIO will assist students in locating and obtaining the required textbooks, ensuring they are well-prepared for their classes from day one.

The TRIO Educational Access program encourages all incoming ISU students to take advantage of these invaluable services on Move-In Day. By doing so, students can set a strong foundation for their academic journey and maximize their success.

For more information about the TRIO Educational Access program and its services, please visit isu.edu/trio, or contact Jodi Dunn at (208) 282-2607.


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