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Theatre and Dance to host virtual seminar on simulations May 26

May 21, 2020

POCATELLO—Idaho State University’s Department of Theatre and Dance will host a university-wide virtual seminar focused on simulation co-led by Julie Cary and Daniel Haley of Trajectory Consulting & Solutions. The seminar will take place on Tuesday, May 26, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

The free seminar is designed to introduce administration and faculty to simulation, including what simulation is, its evidence base, interdisciplinary collaboration, curriculum integration and learner impact.

If you’ve ever wondered if simulation could serve your department or college, join live via Zoom. The seminar will also be recorded for later viewing on the School of Performing Arts YouTube channel.

To join the webinar, visit https://isu.zoom.us/j/95500710942?pwd=aEozNnp1WFM5bS9aVTBkM1YzR1NGZz09. The meeting password is 963300.



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