Idaho Museum of Natural History to host Crabtree Conference Sept. 12-13
August 27, 2019

POCATELLO – Idaho State University’s Museum of Natural History will host the Crabtree Archaeology Conference Sept. 12-13.
This conference is a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Donald Crabtree’s 1969 archaeology field school funded by the National Science Foundation. This field school influenced a new generation of archaeology scholars, who in turn have influenced others in the field.
This conference will host several original field school speakers highlighting work in their careers and reminiscing on how Crabtree influenced their scholarship. Topics will include experimental archaeology, Paleoindian studies and more.
Visitors and speakers are also invited to attend a field trip to visit American Falls Reservoir on Sept. 13 from 3 to 6 p.m. American Falls Reservoir has been a great location for yielding Pleistocene Megafauna and some Clovis stone-tool technology. Each year new Pleistocene Megafauna fossils emerge in this area.
The cost of attendance is $75 per person and $20 per student. The field trip to American Falls Reservoir is an additional $25 per person. Seating will be limited.
For more information or to register, visit