Frank Church Symposium 2024
Refugees: Culture, Integration, and Leadership
HYBRID - virtual/in-person
(All Schedules are Mountain Time)
For streaming the panels and lectures in Rendezvous ABC, use this Zoom link.For streaming the keynote address, use this Youtube link.For additional information on invited delegates and FAQ, see our Facebook page.Free parking will be available at Reed’s Gym and the Student Union Building, as well as at the Holt Arena where you can either walk or utilize the free on-campus bus.
March 7, 2024
Rendezvous ABC Suites
10: 00 AM Opening
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Panel 1: The Making of a Refugee
Panelists: Killian Kleinschmidt (Virtual), Shelby Carvalho (Virtual), Rawan Arar (Virtual)
12:15 PM Joseph and Pricilla Hearst Lecture: "Women in Leadership"
Lecturer: Liyah Babayan (In Person)
1:15 - 3:00 PM Break
3:30 - 5:00 PM Panel 2: Local Actions, Resources, and Obstacles
Panelists: Andrea Schmutz (In Person), Jenny Reese (In Person), Chandra Upreti (In Person), Elizabeth Norton (In Person).
Keynote Address, Dr. Carina Hoang
6 PM | Bistline Theatre (Stephens Performing Art Center)
Hear from award-winning author, actor, publisher, historian, public speaker, and former refugee.
Art Exhibit, Women Who are Asian Immigrants: The Seen and Unseen
M-F 12-6 PM | Davis Art Gallery
The public is encouraged to attend Yidan Guo's Art Exhibit Women Who Are Asian Immigrants: The Seen and Unseen. The Davis Gallery is located on the lower level of the Fine Arts Building on the Pocatello campus. Hours are M-F 12-6 PM.
March 8, 2024
Rendezvous ABC Suites
9:00 AM Introduction
9:30 - 11:00 AM Panel 3: Diverse Refugee Experiences
Panelists: Carina Hoang (In Person), Liyah Babayan (In Person), Karen Jacobsen (Virtual), Damian Harris-Hernandez (Virtual)
11:15 AM Richard H. Foster Lecture: “A Refugee Story: A Home Away From Home - The Value of Identity and Cultural Humility”
Lecturer: Anselme Sediki (In Person)
12:15 PM - 2:30 PM Break
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Panel 4: Family, Gender, and Survival
Panelists: Christian Schmutz (Virtual), Jackie Wagner (Virtual), Haley Grachico (In Person), Mona Heern (In Person)
4:45 PM Closing Remarks
Party: Empowering Immigrant Women
4:30 PM | ISU Diversity Resource Center
In celebration of International Women’s Day, join a local organization’s celebration of immigrant and refugee women in our community. Please RSVP.