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Wellness Challenge

Last year, President Satterlee announced a wellness initiative “Be Well, Bengals (BWB).” The goal of BWB is to support wellness and a better quality of life for our employees, while allowing the flexibility for each employee to consider their personal wellness interests and needs. Through this initiative, benefit eligible employees are allotted up to 60 minutes of BWB Wellness release time per week, during working hours, with supervisor approval. Eligible employees may stay on campus during this time, or engage in activities or programs held off campus. The 60 minutes can be used all at once or divided throughout the week (ex. 15 minutes four days a week, or 30 minutes two days a week, etc.) 

Oftentimes, wellness programs specifically target exercise. However, BWB allows employees the flexibility to choose activities within the eight dimensions of wellness which include: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Spiritual, Occupational, Social, Financial, and Environmental. Examples of qualifying activities include, but are not limited to:
Example #1: Walking around campus
Example #2: Reading a book for pleasure
Example #3: Attending a counseling session
Example #4: Working on your family’s budget
The College of Technology supports the BWB initiative and will be rolling out a wellness challenge with faculty and staff leading sessions that they have interest and expertise in.  For example, one staff member is a certified Yoga instructor and has volunteered to lead a Yoga session.  Another may have a hobby of rock climbing, or flying hobby planes.  This is an opportunity for you to share your hobbies and interests with others at the College.  If you have expertise that you would like to share, please sign up as a session leader.


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