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Tips from the Wellness Center for Reducing Stress About Eating During the Holidays

December 2, 2021

Stress about healthful eating during the holidays is a common struggle. We often worry about eating "too much" or eating the "right things" in order to better our health. However, the guilt and stress we cause by thinking this way have their own negative effects on our bodies. Food is such a wonderful thing that we should be able to celebrate and enjoy without feeling guilty. Especially all the wonderful goodies that the holiday season brings. Here are a few tips to start working towards a neutral place with food:

  • Allow yourself to eat. Give yourself permission to eat the foods that you want. If you give yourself permission, you are much more likely to recognize when you have had enough. Go ahead and have that pumpkin pie!
  • Recognize the labels you use around food. Know that "good" and "bad" foods do not exist.  Throw out these labels and try focusing on what foods help you feel your best.
  • Create space for self-compassion. Finding peace with food is not a direct path,  there will be ups and downs. Allow space to say "this is so hard, but I am doing my best."Tips for reducing stress about eating during the Holidays Healing your relationship with food is not about perfection but progress. 


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