Bengal Dining and Chartwells Higher Education donate 200 healthy snack boxes as part of the Good Goes Round Campaign
April 21, 2020

Despite the move to online learning, Bengal Dining continues to support students in the local community
Chartwells Higher Education has partnered with MATTER and General Mills Foodservice to pack and provide healthy snacks for their local communities. The snack packages also include nutritional education to help combat food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On April 16, as part of the Good Goes Round campaign, Bengal Dining donated 200 MATTERbox snack packs to the on-campus food pantry, Benny’s Pantry, ISU's on-campus food pantry exclusively serving ISU students, staff and faculty, with the mission to alleviate food insecurity in the ISU community.
This is the third year that Chartwells Higher Education at ISU has championed this initiative. In the absence of its student volunteers, Dining Director Mallory Pace and Executive Chef Chris Gilliam came together to continue the tradition of supporting their campus community.
The Good Goes Round campaign calls on people to spread kindness and fill the world with good. Through this program, Chartwells Higher Education, together with MATTER, a Minnesota-based global nonprofit with a mission to move people forward by giving them a chance at a healthier life, and General Mills Foodservice, are packing and distributing MATTERboxes to local families and individuals in need during this unprecedented time.