Stand-up economist Yoram Bauman to perform at Idaho State University
March 31, 2017

POCATELLO – The Idaho State University College of Business is hosting Yoram Bauman, “The World’s First and Only Stand-Up Economist” at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 13, in the Frazier Hall Bilyeau Auditorium.
His performance is free to all students and any ISU affiliates and community members can also purchase tickets at the door for $5. The ISU Economics Club is existed to host this very well received performer again and would like to welcome everyone to attend.
As the “World’s Only and First Stand-Up Economist,” Bauman takes academia to new a level with family-friendly comedy all based around the world of economics. Bauman, who also performed at ISU a few years ago, graduated from the University of Washington in 2003 with his Ph.D. in economics and joins ISU from Seattle. Throughout his career, Bauman has performed across the country at other colleges and corporate events with celebrities such as the late Robin Williams and Paul Krugman, in addition to being featured by TIME magazine, PBS and NPR.
In addition to his career in comedy, Bauman is an environmental economist focusing much of his research on carbon tax, founding “Carbon Washington,” which he describes as a “revenue-neutral carbon tax ballot measure campaign in Washington State.”
The comedian says “his goals in life are to spread joy to the world through economics comedy; to reform economics education; and to implement carbon pricing.” For more information about the Stand-Up Economist, visit his website at