Spirits & Skeletons at Idaho Museum of Natural History
October 4, 2017

POCATELLO – Join the Idaho Museum of Natural History on the campus of Idaho State University on October’s Friday the 13th, for Spirits & Skeletons, a costume party and fundraiser.
All proceeds from Spirit & Skeletons will go to the museum’s upcoming exhibit, “The Incredible Horse,” opening Jan. 20.
Spirits & Skeletons is for people age 21 and up and will include a costume contest, silent auction, no host beer and wine bar, hor d’oeuvres, music provided by Roots Entertainment and a sneak peek at our newest exhibit “BISON,” opening Oct. 14. Tickets are $25 online or purchase tickets at the door for $35. Tickets can be purchased at imnh.isu.edu.
Do you need child care? Adventures in Daycare, in Chubbuck, will provide on-site childcare for $10 a child. Children will need to be registered for child care by Oct. 9.
The “BISON” exhibit creates an interactive environment that combines history, artifacts and hands-on activities to bring to life the story of this great North American mammal. The exhibit is made possible by National Buffalo Foundation and the Kauffman Museum. “BISON” is available to museums across the United States and Canada to tell the tragic history of this majestic animal, its rescue from near extinction, and the story of people across North America working to preserve the bison as a vibrant part of our future.
The Incredible Horse exhibit follows the horse from its earliest fossil beginnings in North America to its expansion to Asia and Europe through its extinction in North America 10,000 years ago. Re-introduced to North America by the Spanish in the 16th century, horses profoundly shaped Native American lifeways. Today, horses are a major part of Idaho’s identity and are helping people in many ways.
Since 1934, the IMNH has offered unique, educational and fun opportunities to visitors, classrooms, tourists and public at large. The IMNH is open six days a week, closed Mondays. To learn more please visit imnh.isu.edu or call 208-282-3168.