ISU Jonas Scholars present leadership projects at national conference
November 2, 2015
Idaho State University Jonas Nurse Leader Scholars Julie Hammatt and Tamara Rose presented leadership projects at the Jonas Scholars Conference in Washington, D. C., Oct. 24-17.
“It was an experience beyond any that I could have imagined, an opportunity to be exposed to some of the top leaders in nursing and healthcare,” said Hammatt, who is working on her doctorate in nursing practice.

“It was an impressive amount of knowledge and leadership in one room,” said Rose, who is pursuing a Ph.D. in nursing. “I was honored to be there and be part of such a great group.
Both scholars are funded by the Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence based in New York City. Dr. Mary A. Nies, ISU director of nursing research and professor, is principal investigator on the Jonas grant and mentor for both students.
Hammatt’s and Rose’s leadership projects have been accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals under these citations:
• Hammatt, J. and Nies, M.A. (In Press). DNP’s: What do we expect? Nurse Leader
• Rose, T. and Nies, M.A. (In Press). A Place at the Table: Positioning Nurses on Boards Where Health Care Decisions are Made. Nursing Management