Idaho State University roommates win Welcome Back Orange and Black cars in consecutive years
September 2, 2015
POCATELLO – Idaho State University student roommates Vito Kelso and Colton Bankhead won the ISU Welcome Back Orange and Black celebration’s give-away car in consecutive years.

Aug. 24 to a large group of students, staff, alumni and community members. Among the many prizes raffled was a white 2005 Yukon SUV decorated with Bengal paw prints, which Kelso drove off with.
“When I won the car I was shocked if anything. It took me moment to process that I had just won a car,” said Kelso, a sophomore majoring in psychology. “After I came to my senses, I was very excited. Words can’t explain the feeling.”
This same feeling was enjoyed last year by Kelso’s roommate, Colton Bankhead, who won the 2014 Welcome Back Orange and Black give-away vehicle, a 2010 Crown Victoria painted in orange and black with a Bengal logo and Bengal paw prints as well.
“It was pretty exciting to be able to share the moment with each other two years in a row,” Kelso said.
