Idaho State University College of Arts and Letters announces third annual New Year’s Eve Gala theme: ‘Carnaval’
November 24, 2015
POCATELLO – The Idaho State University College of Arts and Letters has announced that “carnaval” is the theme for its 2015 New Year’s Eve Gala that will be held from 7 p.m. Dec. 31 to 12:30 a.m. Jan. 1 in the L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center.
The Gala is held every New Year’s Eve to raise money for student scholarships, and help to recruit potential students. It also gives students a chance to showcase their work and talents.

In 2013, the Gala raised more than $30,000 for student scholarships. The event raised more than $48,000 at the 2014 Gala. The money raised supports students in theatre, music, dance, art, graphic arts, communication and English.
“For many students the support can make the difference, and give them the support needed to complete their degree program,” said Heidi Jarvis-Grimes, director of development, College of Arts and Letters, and strategic university initiatives.
The event is sponsored by several companies and members of the community including the Cheryl Jensen Scholarship Endowment, Bank of Idaho, Premier Technology, Portneuf Medical Center, Idaho Central Credit Union, Mountain View Hospital, Hayden Beverage, Pocatello Eye Care and Farm Bureau Insurance.
“We are honored and share a special thank you to all the contributors,” Jarvis-Grimes said. “You have built a sustainable program that will continue to directly benefit the students.”
Tickets are $125 each and are available for purchase at or 282-3207. For more information on the event or how to be a sponsor contact Jarvis-Grimes at or 282-5362.