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Two Idaho State University art professors use Wyoming shows to help recruit students

November 4, 2014
ISU Marketing and Communications

Idaho State University art professors Laura Ahola-Young and Naomi Adams will hold three art shows in Wyoming to help recruit students to take art classes at ISU.

“Part of our goal of these shows was to talk to students about our programs at ISU,” said Adams. “It can help them learn what we are about and the number of concentrations we have for a small department.”

An exhibit piece.The three shows will be featured at Central Wyoming College, Casper College and Sheridan College. The shows at Central Wyoming College and Sheridan College will be featured this academic year, while Casper College will be featured in fall 2015.

“As artists, we apply for shows for our own work,” said Ahola-Young. “These shows are more to promote our department. If this is successful, we hope it can grow and we can continue to do this.”

Ahola-Young will show her mixed media paintings that are layered, ambiguous and sometimes depict science and biological concepts. Adams will feature her textile art pieces that are three dimensional, three inches deep and usually have up to three colors.

“I think they are going to be interesting shows,” said Adams. “Both of our work is very detail oriented and obsessive.”

Ahola-Young and Adams’ art has been busy in the last few months. Ahola-Young’s work was featured in the “Science Inspires Art: The Brain” exhibit in Queens, New York, which was featured in the New York Times. Adams’ quilting art is displayed in “Quilts=Art=Quilts” exhibit in the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center in Auburn, New York. She was also awarded the Fiber Art Innovation Award of Excellence at the 2014 Quilt and Fiber Arts Festival for her artwork “Hex.”

More of Ahola-Young and Adams’ work can be found on their websites, lauraaholayoung.com and killerbeedesigns.com.


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