Science Trek 2010 for third through fifth graders set April 16 at IMNH
March 18, 2010
Idaho State University and the Idaho Museum of Natural History will present a night of scientific exploration with Science Trek 2010 on Friday, April 16, at the Museum.
Co-sponsors of the event include Idaho Public Television and the Idaho Museum of Natural History.
The overnight, stay-at-the-museum experience will allow children in third through the fifth grades to learn about the frontiers of ancient and modern sciences. The workshop-style exhibits include hands-on activities and live science presentations, experiments and demonstrations. ISU physics professor Dr. Steve Shropshire will be among the experienced practicing scientists conducting experiments.
Children will have the thrill of an overnight stay at the museum with a saber-tooth cat, the Columbian mammoth, and the International Space Station, among other rare and unique museum exhibits. They will be allowed to choose one of a variety of science workshops to explore the often-unseen wonders of microbiology, paleontology, physics, engineering and botany, among other fields of science. The event will also include a movie and midnight snacks.
Pre-registration for Science Trek 2010 is required. The cost to attend is $37 per child. Registration deadline is March 26. The Idaho State Museum of Natural History accepts walk-in registration. Also, for registration forms and specific, important information necessary to prepare registered children to attend the overnight event visit For additional information or questions contact Rebecca A. Thorne-Ferrel at 282-2195, or by emailing her at Registered participants can check-in for the event starting at 6 p.m. on April 16.
The museum is seeking additional private and business sponsorships of children for the event. Contact Rebecca A. Thorne-Ferrel for more information.