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How you can help!

Benny's Pantry thrives on the generosity of community members who contribute food, funds, and time. We appreciate support in each of these areas.



Benny’s Pantry accepts nonperishable food and personal care items. We cannot accept fresh food or expired items.

Grains, beans, and rice

Breakfast foods

Canned or bottled soups and sauces

Snack items

One pan meal kits

Canned or dried vegetables, fruit, and tomatoes

Baking and cooking staples

Shelf-stable condiments

Spices and seasonings

Personal care products

Infant formula, baby/toddler food, and snacks

Diapers and wipes


Please email us at pantry@isu.edu if you are interested in hosting a food drive or donating food.



Donate Now

Tax-deductible monetary donations can be made on behalf of Benny’s Pantry through the ISU Foundation. Benny’s Pantry will continue to thrive with the support of cash donations, which allow us to purchase high-demand items as needed for distribution. We can buy these items in bulk and choose items that expire at a later date. Monetary donations go a long way to care for our community. In the short time since the Pantry’s opening, we see a minimum (and rising) need for $500 in monthly cash donations in order to stock full shelves of nutritious food for our customers.

Employee Payroll Deduction Form


Current students may volunteer* to work one to two-hour shifts assisting participants, receiving donations, and maintaining inventory.

Clubs and organizations may “adopt” one to two-hour shifts in the pantry. At least one group member must be present during each shift. Groups may also be eligible to earn incentive points through ASISU by organizing food and personal care item drives.

Please email pantry@isu.edu if you are interested in volunteering.

*All volunteers must complete a brief training and sign a confidentiality waiver