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ISU physics professor to address “Why is Pluto Not a Planet?” in Jan. 24 talk

January 12, 2007

The Idaho Museum of Natural History invites the public to attend a free presentation titled “Building Consensus in Science: Why is Pluto not a Planet?” on Wednesday, Jan. 24, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Museum Classroom 204.

This talk is the second in a series of “Science Appetizer” lectures scheduled at the museum in the coming months.

Dr. Steven Shropshire, an associate professor in the Idaho State University Department of Physics, will discuss the ways in which scientists work to build consensus on scientific topics and theories, using as an example the recent reversal within the scientific community on Pluto being a planet.

Shropshire came to ISU in 1991 from Washington State University, where he received his Ph.D. in physics. He has taught introductory physics, practicum in physical science, modern physics, solid state, the junior and senior physics labs, mathematical methods for physics, statistical physics, seminar in physics and graduate classical mechanics.

The presentation features an early start time, at 5:30 p.m., for people who are interested in participating in museum activities before heading home from work.

The Idaho Museum of Natural History is located at South Fifth Avenue and Dillon Street on the ISU campus. For more information on this event, contact Dave Mead at (208) 282-3410.


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