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Best Practice for Coping with COVID-19 Stress and Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic 


News reports about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, travel restrictions, and concerns for our own and our loved ones' health may contribute to increased mental and emotional health distress. The American Psychological Association has provided tips to help manage anxiety, put news reports in perspective, and maintain a positive outlook: Five Ways to View Coverage of the Coronavirus

Review these fact sheets from SAMHSA, The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, to have social distancing and quarantine explained and learn more tips for coping with stress during an infectious disease outbreak and ways to cope and support oneself during such an experience:

General Tips for Managing Coronavirus Concerns

I Spent a Year in Space, and I Have Tips on Isolation to Share: Scott Kelly is a retired NASA astronaut who spent nearly a year on the International Space Station. In this op-ed, Kelly shares his tips and strategies.

40 Meaningful Things to Do at Home During a Pandemic: Here's a list of 40 meaningful activities you can do (that are free or only of modest cost) when you're self-isolating at home or stuck in quarantine.

Ten Percent Happier: Coronavirus Sanity Guide: The meditations, podcasts, blog posts, and talks on this page will help you build resilience and find some calm amidst the chaos. 

Psychological Health Tips

  • Check out this video from Dr. Russ Harris and learn steps on how to F.A.C.E. C.O.V.I.D.
  • Acknowledge your feelings and emotions. Allow yourself time to reflect on what you are feeling and how you may be reacting to or coping with these feelings.
  • Maintain your day-to-day normal activities and social outlets. Resist withdrawing and isolating yourself from the support and caring that others can provide.
  • Seek accurate information from "The Center for Disease Control and Prevention" and limit exposure to social media and news reports that provide no new information.
  • Pay attention to positive news instead of only focusing on negative and fear-producing reports.
  • Follow the protection and prevention tips given by medical professionals such as the Health Center here on campus, national medical authorities and your own medical doctor.

Studying From Home

Studying from home can be challenging and may require stronger willpower than usual to stay focused. While ISU implements an Online-Learning Model, review these Tips for Studying From Home.

Relaxation Skills

Mutual Trust, Respect, Civility & Dignity

The Counseling and Mental Health Center is aware that fear and anxiety can lead to mistrust, bias, prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping and micro-aggressions. In an effort to maintain and promote mutual trust, respect, civility and dignity in our community, please consider practicing the following:

  • Be aware of your behavior or attitude change toward others from another country.
  • Avoid making generalizations about students, faculty, or staff who may be sick, protecting themselves from getting sick, and/or from abroad.
  • Examine any irrational or rigid thoughts that can exist when there is uncertainty. 
  • Practice and seek good healthcare if you believe you are sick.
  • Listen and attend to each other with empathy, kindness, and compassion. 


Feel free to distribute the following handout to students: Tips for Managing Coronavirus Concerns


Please reach out to our office at (208) 282-2130 or other campus resources if you (or another student you know) are experiencing any of the following:

  • Increased anxiety, worry, fear, and feelings of being overwhelmed
  • Depressive symptoms that persist and/or intensify
  • Inability to focus or concentrate accompanied by decreased academic performance
  • Sudden anger and disruptive behaviors or noticeable changes in personality
  • Isolating or withdrawing from others, fear of going into public situations
  • Unhealthy coping (e.g. increased alcohol or drug use, engaging in risky/impulsive behaviors)
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Excessive crying