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5th Annual Indigenous Peoples Day Teach-in and Celebration

Culture, Community, Connection: Indigenous Health and Wellbeing

October 09, 2023 Idaho State University

Sponsored by Idaho State University Office of Equity and Inclusion, Department of Student Affairs, Office For Research and Compliance, Native American Student Services,  and the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes



8:30 am - 9:00 am           Sunrise Ceremony


Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Elder
No filming or photographing
Location: Bartz Field


8:00 am - 11:00 am                  Registration check-in


Light breakfast sponsored by the ISU Office of Equity and Inclusion 
Location: Pond Student Union Ballroom


9:15 am - 9:45 am            Welcoming Address


Dr. Rex Force

Location: Pond Student Union Ballroom


All Day    Research and Creative Works Showcase

Location: Bengal Cafe and Ballroom

9:45 am - 10:45 am     Keynote Address


Bailey Dann, Shoshone-Bannock Tribal member
Location: Pond Student Union Ballroom

Available via Zoom.


11:00 am - 11:45 am         Concurrent Workshop Sessions  1


  • Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Little Wood River
    Title: “Behavioral Health Practices in Native America: Finding Balance” - Jason Butler

  • Cultural Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Salmon River
    Title: "Carrying the Message:" The Epidemic of MMIP- Willeena George and Paul Frank
    Available via Zoom.

  • Campus Climate Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Wood River
    Title: “Unveiling Tokenism: The Flip Side of Exclusion” - Dr. Sheldon Eakins

  • Environmental Health and Wellbeing
    Room: Ballroom
    Title: "Tribal Waters" - YouTube Video Screening
    Video link will be sent to online participants.


Noon - 1:30 pm          Lunch and Dancers


Provided by Big Sass

Powwow singing, drumming, and dancing exhibition in the Ballroom


Noon - 5:00 pm                       Free Museum Admission 


Free admission to the Idaho Museum of Natural History. 


1:30 pm  - 2:15 pm                   Concurrent Workshop Sessions 2


  • Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Clearwater
    “Mind like the sky: Balancing our lives with mindfulness” - Paula & Tony Seikel
    Available via Zoom.

  • Cultural Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Wood River
    Title: “An Indigenous Perspective on the Evolution of the Traditional Practice of Art: Using new methods to carry traditions and stories for future generations” - Paula TopSky Houtz

  • Campus Climate Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Salmon River
    Title: Campus Climate Health and Wellbeing Track A Discussion with ISU’s Tribal University Advisory Board - ISU TUAB
    Available via Zoom.

  • Environmental Health and Wellbeing
    Room: Little Wood River
    Title: "Grassroots to Governance" - Wesley Martel, Greater Yellowstone Coalition
    Available via Zoom.



2:30 pm - 3:15 pm        Concurrent Workshop Session 3


  • Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Little Wood River
    Title: “Toward better collaborative healthcare: Improving communications between healthcare professionals and Indigenous peoples” - Corwin Sutherin and panelists
    Available via Zoom.

  • Cultural Health and Wellbeing
    Room: Wood River
    Title: “Being Indigenous Together: Practicing our Cultural Ways” - Russell and Bobbette Haskett

  • Campus Climate Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Clearwater
    Title: Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, "Data Sovereignty, Ethical Research, and IRB"- Sunny Stone
    Available via Zoom.

  • Environmental Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Salmon River
    Title: “Salmon Hunting & Cultural Subsistence” - Nathan Small and Tom Wadsworth



3:30 pm - 4:15 pm        Concurrent Workshop Sessions 4


  • Physical Health and Wellbeing
    Room: Clearwater
    Title: “Medical Pluralism: Sobadores, Energy Healing, Bioenergy; Shamanism” - Thelma Lopez Barajas
    Available via Zoom.

  • Cultural Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Little Wood River
    Title: "Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Practices for Wellness." - Nolan Brown, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Language and Culture Preservation Department

  • Campus Climate Health and Wellbeing
    Room: Salmon River
    Title: Idaho Community-engaged Resilience for Energy-Water Systems (I-CREWS) and the Tribal Nation Research Network - Dr. Sammy Matsaw, Dr. Kitty Griswold, Dr. Colden Baxter
    Available via Zoom.

  • Environmental Health and Wellbeing Track
    Room: Wood River
    Title: “Resilience, Promoting Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Change” - Daniel Stone, Upper Snake River Tribes Foundation
    Available via Zoom.



4:30 pm - 5:00 pm                  Closing Remarks


Laticia Herkshan

Location: Ballroom